Hello world, I’m Anselm Pahnke. I chose the other path.
I want my story to unsettle and motivate the viewer to rethink: The best preparation I had for my trip halfway around the world was that I didn’t have any at all – that’s how I created actions out of my ideas, completely reduced to the essentials and all by myself.
I learned word-for-word that my life was not safe – yet this insecurity made me feel especially alive, my senses were sharpened and I became aware of my environment in great clarity. My own experiences determine my actions guide my impulses and give me confidence that can not be obtained by the knowledge of others – this has become my life’s greatest treasure and my emotional basis. At the beginning of my journey, I was still searching, and very soon I was able to find; find answers to questions that I did not know I had before travelling.
I want to convey that a big idea must not be entirely thought through in advance, as it should be a step by step process – here the journey truly is the destination. I hope to inspire ideas and visions, and not over-planning them but putting them into action.
What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?
• Courage – out of safety, into the unknown
• Self-confidence – gain clarity and consciousness in moments of uncertainty
• Drive – make progress against resistance with self-confidence
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
All, creative, insecure, new founders…
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
I share the insights I learned during my three year cycle tour around the world and the three years after the journey, in which I have dealt with myself and my environment. Especially in over 150 questionnaires for my film “Elsewhere. Alone in Africa”, which dealt with the subject of fear, courage, security, loneliness, perseverance, willpower and much more.
What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?
I focus on the perception with the current moment.