Dominik Neidhart – All Hands on Deck

29. December 2023 – Oliver Stoldt

Dominik Neidhart – Working to Win: It’s all a matter of trust

No matter the industry, leaders are faced with unprecedented change, challenges and fierce competition from disruptive technologies. Their ability to chart their own course is continually being affected by unpredictable customers, ever changing mandates and fierce competition. What’s needed is a new approach to cement their underlying foundation and shift their energy to make it work for them and not against them…in other word: Work to WIN.

Domink Neidhart is a professional sailor who victoriously competed in America’s Cup. As a crew member of the Swiss sailing team Alinghi, he saw how trust became the prime driving factor and made their seemingly impossible victory possible. They were a sailing team from a landlocked country who banded together to win the oldest and most complex sports trophy in the world.

Dominik Neidhart – Key Takeaways from his keynote:

  • Even though you can’t measure it, trust reduces complexity and improves team relationships
  • It all comes down to the quality of people on your teams and how they interact with each other
  • Trust is the underlying foundation to work together
  • The key is to have one common goal and make the most out of its potential

There are many aspects of sailing that can apply directly to how leaders can successfully manage their teams. The topic of co-creation, collaboration, and cooperation concern every company, but more importantly, Dominik stresses to audiences that it’s how you harness the energy of your team and establish their unique identity that starts the process.

He tells tales from his personal experience and reminds participants that when he is on a boat and the wind shifts, the crew has no choice but to trust each other while continuously adapting and making crucial changes, and that is what you and your team need to learn to do.

Dominik Neidhart is a management consultant, global speaker and coach on the subject of cooperation culture. He was also a member of the winning Alinghi team that won the prestigious America’s Cup. He continues to be an active sailor and inspires decision-makers from all over the world on the topics of teamwork, motivation, achieving goals and mastering challenges.

Dominik Neidhart: All Hands on Deck – Working together wins.

His unique vision and living knowledge of the irrepressible power of optimally bundled competencies as well as the in-depth know-how about building a successful culture of cooperation make Dominik Neidhart novel in that he can share first hand knowledge and experiences with the audiences that he speaks to.

In three different America’s Cup Challenges – in a less than successful start-up project, a triumphant victory and a bitter defeat – he was able to gain rich experiences from sailing and apply them while helping leaders understand complex organizations, demanding management, and how successful teamwork can affect the success of a company. He has scientifically processed these experiences about teamwork and also published them.

With his lectures and masterclasses on practical cooperation, Dominik Neidhart supports committed industrial and service companies in their cultural transformation. He is adept at steering them away from the internal competition culture towards a successful culture of cooperation.

Book Dominik Neidhart for presentations and workshops with The Premium Speakers Agency. Give us a call or write directly to

Dominik Neidhart

Sailor, America's Cup Winner Alinghi, Athlete