Thomas R. Köhler – the “5-Premium-Speakers-Questions”

16. December 2016 – Melanie Hübner

Thomas R. Köhler – Cybercrime, digital trends of the future, these are just some of his subjects. Since the beginning of the internet era, Thomas has been deeply involved in the most important driver of the 21st Century that today we call ’digitalization’…

What are the core subjects of your keynote speaches?

Thomas R. Köhler:

Digitalization, Innovation, IT Trends, Cyber Security, Internet of Things (IOT)

Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?

Thomas R. Köhler:

Target groups: (Upper) Management, corporate customers, private customer
Business sectors: Automotive, Insurance/Banking, Telecommunication/IT, Retail

Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?

Thomas R. Köhler:

Since the beginning of the internet era, I‘ve been deeply involved in ’digitalization’, the most important driver of the 21st Century, as entrepreneur, consultant and author. I’ve identified important IT-trends. I allow a glimpse behind the scenes and reveal chances and challenges. You get either a broad overview, global outlook or individual insight, across industries or specifically, Informative and inspiring. Exciting for experts. Easily understood by non-experts. Customized for any audience.

What will be in the future? Does "time" play an important role in your work?

Thomas R. Köhler:

The world has undergone enormous (digital) changes in the last decades. Information has become universally available and accessible which is why societies worldwide are facing completely new challenges. On the other hand this will create completely new opportunities for our live and work in the future.

What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?

Thomas R. Köhler:

You have to understand what’s happening or going to happen in order to react properly or to act proactively, in both the private and corporate environment. My vision is to provide the audiences with the latest information on the fascinating opportunities of digital change. In addition they learn how to master the new challenges and take advantage of the chances the future offers for their own companies.

"Realisation is the key to a better world. (Thomas Köhler)"

Thomas R. Köhler

Expert in digital Trends of the Future & Cyberrisk/Cybercrime, Entrepreneur, Author