Ice skating in the desert, of course! Viktor Meier inspires with his direct and unconventional way and is the vivid proof that who is living his dreams, doesn’t need luxury.
What are the core subjects of your keynote speaches?
Improvised Innovation, out of the box Thinking, global High-speed, growth, Total Digitalisation, Fit for 21. Century
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
All: All companies and persons who want to be fit for the globalized world of the 21st century, who want to be able to cope with the fast pace and want to use the tools of this time to become global market leaders.
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
Since my childhood I love learning, deconstructing best practices and develop systems to reach my goals, be it in professional karate, master 5 languages or building my a global business. Every person is unique and if I can inspire others to reach their goals, I have reached mine.
What will be in the future? Does "time" play an important role in your work?
My life approach is specialized to adapt and find solution in a jungle of uncertainty and constant changes. This even when not all necessary information are available. Security is not based on a particular skill or business, but on the capability to adapt in any situation.
What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?
If we open the eyes, all the resources are available to make the best of everything.
"The happiest people are not the ones who have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything! (Sam Cawthorn)"