Michael Solomon – die «5-Premium-Speakers-Fragen»

05. Mai 2017 – Melanie Hübner

Michael’s Mantra: Wir kaufen Produkte nicht wegen ihrer Funktion. Wir kaufen sie, weil sie uns etwas bedeuten. Michael Solomon berät globale Unternehmen in führenden Branchen bei deren Marketing-Strategien, um diese perfekt auf den Verbraucher zu zentrieren. (Vortrag in Englisch)

Was sind die Kernthemen Ihrer Vorträge?


consumer behavior, marketing, advertising, retailing, social media

Welches Publikum bzw. welche Branche erreichen Sie mit Ihrer Rede?


Marketing, retail and advertising executives, members of industry associations in areas such as apparel, footwear, home furnishings, automotive, fragrances, food and beverage and financial services

Warum sind Sie ein Premium Speaker? Woher nehmen Sie Ihre Erkenntnisse?


I have advised companies such as BMW, Levi Strauss, Intel, etc. on marketing strategies and showed them how to be more effective by understanding how consumers think about what they do and sell. I use my talks to take the audience on a visual tour of the hidden aspects of consumer behavior so they can understand why people buy. I get my insights from my own research, as well as colleagues who do consumer research around the world. Because my textbooks on consumer behavior and marketing are the mostly widely used in business schools globally, I have access to the latest thinking about these topics.

Was bringt die Zukunft? Spielt die "Zeit" in ihrem Metier eine Rolle?


In my keynotes I talk about the fundamental changes we are seeing in how consumers relate to the marketplace and how we will think about marketing in the future. These changes involve the elimination of categories we take for granted today, such as the distinction between producers and consumers, work and play, and shopping and entertainment. Time plays an important role, because time is a fixed resource so consumers must constantly make crucial decisions about how to spend their time. That explains why some of these boundaries are falling – for example, today people want to shop and be entertained, educated and stimulated all at the same time.

Was ist ihr Lebensmotto? Was möchten Sie Ihren Zuhörern mit auf den Weg geben?


I want my listeners to appreciate the crucial role that what they sell plays in people’s lives, over and above an object’s literal function. We do not buy things because of what they do, we buy them because of what they mean.

"We are what we buy and we buy what we are. (Michael Solomon)"