There are moments in life when you intuitively trust your gut feeling. And sometimes they stand for a turning point in life. It was the same with Marcus Kerti. After a serious sports injury, which marked the end of his professional career in ice hockey, he began to deal with mental techniques for self-regeneration. And lo and behold, contrary to all medical prognoses, he succeeded in standing on the ice again at least one year later.
After a year of being diagnosed with burnout, he decided to quit his well-paid and respected job in a bank from one day to the next, to leave the safety net and his comfort zone behind him and to take the step into the unknown – into self-employment as a mental coach. More and more often, colleagues from the world of sport asked him to pass on his mental techniques to them.
His success proves him right – for many years Marcus Kerti has accompanied people on their way to a more conscious life with expertise, empathy and tact. He combines effective methods from mental training with efficient techniques from kinesiology.
What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?
For me the main thing is that everyone is special for themselves. My goal is to give people back the belief in themselves and to use their own resources. Crucial for this is the handling of own emotions on the way to optimal performance, own regeneration and personal health coupled with mental strength.
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
From my point of view, it is interesting for everyone, because emotions and stress affect us all. Top athletes, executives and managers as well as companies in which communication, cooperation, sales or health are at the center of the daily routine, are especially beneficial.
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
In my life I was already able to experience a lot. On the one hand as a competitive athlete with many difficult challenges and injuries, on the other hand as a salesman in different situations with customers and supervisors. The experiences and my knowledge from the different experiences I want to pass on to as many people. So that they can make better decisions for themselves, in dealing with pressure, stress and their own emotions. Because everyone has everything, he needs in himself!
What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?
We live in a time that is incredibly exciting and interesting and holds many challenges for us! Everyone has their own life in their own hands, to get the “best” for themselves. Realizing that I am the deciding factor in my life and having the choice to make a difference gives us the opportunity to become masters of ourselves. This requires first and foremost absolute mental strength.
What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?
"All is possible. Everything you need is already inside you. Believe in yourself and you become the master of yourself. If you enjoy what you are doing, you will be successful and always better than others."