Steffen Wetzel – the “5 Premium Speakers Questions”

16. May 2023 – Mandy Weinand

Steffen Wetzel passionately shows you the new way of digital customer acquisition. With years of experience as a marketing and sales manager in B2B and additional online marketing via sales funnel, he is a true expert in marketing and sales. Steffen Wetzel attaches great importance to processes in which you acquire customers sustainably. It is important to him to rather build, establish and optimize a reasonable sales process than to try a different way every year. The focus of every business should be customer success. In his keynotes and workshops, he convinces in a down-to-earth, honest way. And he does the same in interviews.

Steffen Wetzel in an interview – expert for digital marketing & brand building in B2B

1. What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?

Steffen Wetzel:

At its core, it’s always about how companies can use digital developments positively for their marketing and sales. In my view, it is very important to inspire employees and managers with the opportunities that these changes bring.

After all, digitalization brings with it enormous changes, new responsibilities and attractive opportunities, especially in the area of corporate presentation to the outside world.
Topics such as corporate branding, corporate influencers, social selling, LinkedIn, digital B2B sales, digital sales and many more play a major role here, but they have to be put into the right context.

And that’s exactly what my presentations are about, so that the audience can take away inspiration and valuable tips for direct implementation.

2. Which audiance or which branch do you reach with your speech?

Steffen Wetzel:

Basically, my presentations are aimed at companies that do business in B2B. Since the influences of digitalization are making themselves felt in all industries and no company can avoid the topic of digital B2B sales, it can actually be all industries.

Depending on the intensity of the topic, the people in the audience can range from a small group in the boardroom to the entire workforce, as the topic of corporate ambassadors through social media is relevant to every employee.

3. Are you a PREMIUM SPEAKER? Where do you get your insights from?

Steffen Wetzel:

I am a Premium Speaker because I stand 100% and with absolute passion behind what I want to pass on to my audience in every single presentation.

From my own time as a marketing and sales manager in medium-sized businesses (over 5 years) and from my over eight years of online marketing experience (including over 2 years as a service provider for SAP), I bring together the modern developments of digital marketing with the classic understanding of sales and also business in the German-speaking market.

In my career so far, I have always received great feedback for my presentations and I am happy to be able to prove this to new clients as well.

I am even more honored to be under contract with Europe’s leading speaker agency. Many thanks to the Premium Speakers team around Oliver Stoldt.

4. What will be in the future? Does «time» play an important role in your work?

Steffen Wetzel:

I am convinced that in the future it will no longer be possible to distinguish between sales and marketing, but that both areas of a functioning company will be much more interlinked.

We call this the era of “digital sales”. But it is precisely this era that a large proportion of companies have not yet arrived in, despite horrendous spending on marketing and sales.

My task and that of my company is to change precisely this and to lead those companies that have understood the trend of the times there.

5. Tell us your life motto? What do you want to give your listeners to take with them?

Steffen Wetzel:

What is enormously important to me personally is that in the end, even in the largest organizations, it is always about people-to-people selling. Digital tools, social media and platforms can support us, but if you want to continue to be successful in the long term, you have to find your way to combine people and technology in a long-term and sustainable way. Especially in customer acquisition.

Steffen Wetzel

Expert for Digital Customer Acquisition, LinkedIn-Marketing, Sales and Brand building in B2B