Christian Troger was born on 8 October 1983 without left leg and without left acetabulum. Doctors told his parents, that their son would never be able to walk. At the age of 14 months fortunately he provided rebuttal of these opinions.
What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?
The core subjects of my Keynotes are: attitude to life, goal setting, finding your purpose, how to deal with doubt and pessimism, overcoming limitation and obstacles, conquer your fear, the meaning of defeats and failures, happiness and satisfaction.
I provide, how I have managed to bring positive changes in my life. I show the importance of having clear goals and which factors are important to achieve one’s goal. Furthermore I give impetus on how to deal with difficulties, obstacles, fears and defeats. With practical examples I show participants similarities quite plainly to their own life.
My Keynotes should motivate, bolster, inspire but also stir and stimulate the thoughts. They are meant to show that we are capable to so much more than we sometimes can imagine.
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
My Keynotes are for everyone who feels responsible for his or her personal life and sincerely wants to pursue his or her goals. For people, who have both feet on the ground but still want to achieve more, for people who are looking for a sense of meaning but also for people who are facing setbacks and challenges and want to reorganize their lives. Thereby I respond every branch, every age and every class of population. From a sports blub to a non-profit-organization up to a large cooperation, from the youth up to the young at heart, from the unemployed person up to the top manager. It is important to me to meet everyone at an equal footing. Customer’s opinion are showing, that I have managed to do that so far.
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
Because I experienced personally what I tell and share this authentically. Customer’s are telling that my keynotes are getting under the skin and simultaneously are highlighting, what achievements people are able to.
I didn’t learn my awareness from textbooks but from my personal life experience. I don’t tell stories from one thousand and one nights but a true story from my personal life. I describe my path from the “disabled” child without prospect towards a man, who has both feet on the ground (although I have only one leg). A path from the disoriented young man just before the complete personal and economical collapse towards an international successful athlete, keynote speaker and book author.
What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?
Of course, time was the key part during my sports career. In sports it is a straight benchmark to see its own performance. Today we are living in a fast-moving world, which is presenting new challenges. In my opinion, personal development is a topic, which is becoming increasingly important, both for employees and employers. Everyone knows that a “war of talents” came up due to the demographic change. It is no longer enough to allure employees with money. People realize more and more that everybody is responsible for him- or herself. Thereby it becomes increasingly important keeping clear goals in mind, having the correct attitude to life and knowing the right tools for success, happiness and satisfaction.
What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?