Dalina Dembler & Lucia Talotti – the “5-Premium-Speakers-Questions”
Dalina Dembler & Lucia Talotti are founders of the Denke Groß Institute based in Bochum. Their latest project is the “StartUp Praxis” where they focus on the medical area. They work with a network of long-standing experts, as well as freelancers. They already planning the further expansion of the network. With their self-developed method, they coach companies, entrepreneurs and their executives and guide them through the various crisis phases of a company. They focus on the human being and there approach is based on humanistic psychology. Be inspired by there performances and let yourself carried away to take a new perspective. They vividly and passionately describe the benefits of social skills and self-competence and topics such as self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy in working life for opening up new possibilities.
What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?
Dalina Dembler & Lucia Talotti:
Social skills, Self-Management, Motivation, Empathy, future-oriented Leadership, Teambuilding
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
Dalina Dembler & Lucia Talotti:
Entrepreneur, Senior management, Employees, teamleader
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
Dalina Dembler & Lucia Talotti:
As experts we have years of experiences in coaching, personality development
and the training. Our experiences are based on the areas of social skills,
teambuilding, health and motivation. We work together with the german Doctors and
Pharmacist’s Bank, the Pharmacies & Physicians Billing Center and the Business Doc. Our focus is on the medical area. We do active PR and
marketing by ourselves. For us, the support of a professional agency is in the foreground. We are economically independent and we are looking for an update for our career. Furthermore, we have a professional marketing plan with 24 months mentoring by David Rölleke, so the attention and the growing range is essential. On 06.07.2019 we have a performance for the project StartUp-Praxis, where 180-280 Medical Director are present at the Signal Iduna Park. On this event you can make yourself a picture of our abilities as a speaker. It might be also a great opportunity for you to get to know the target audience, which is present at this evening. So you can arrange immediate bookings already on your agency and we can focus straight on our core business. We are very happy to inform you that our PR expert David Rölleke will be also present as a speaker on the stage and so it would be an honor for all of us to offer you VIP tickets. Please tell us only the names and the number.
What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?
Dalina Dembler & Lucia Talotti:
In a world where we digitalize everything that can be digitalized, the non-digitizable becomes more and more important