Florian Schroeder German cabaret artist and Top-Speaker explains curiosities of our times – More choices, less options!

28. February 2017 – Katharina Schlangenotto

Florian Schroeder is around as cabaret artist and speaker since 15 years. He has become one of the opinion leaders of the young generation. People listen to him not only because of the up-to-date topics but also because of his distinctive style. He has remained a cabaret artist in his heart.

From Kant to Facebook

His lectures are anything but severe and serious. Florian Schroeder is a smarty, he observes precisely, is always up-to-date, analyzes, evaluates, questiones and encourages to think.

He grew up in a time of self-optimization. Everything is possible and somehow it feels just like the contrary. This can be exhausting, especially if above all, you aim to be perfcet with an intrinsic motivation to optimize yourself. Decision making in a multi-choice society is not a an easy thing to do, it has to be learned.dddd

The Categorical Imperative of the 21st Century

Be perfect! For Florian Schroeder, the strive to perfection is the categorical imperative of the 21st century. He explains: “We should be able to do it all: having a five-course menu and a dream figure. How? Well, be perfect!” It seems that anything, even the impossible, should be possible in our days. For sure, such a philosophy of life is curse and blessing at the same time.

“Power and powerlessness were seldom so close to each other as they are today.” He speaks of times of hesitation and a feeling that resembles that of being in an endless forest by night. He talks about coaches and consultants who understand the misery of many and promise floodlighting on abandoned motivation paths, even though they do not even have a flashlight.

Surfing through Google in high-speed

Florian Schroeder claims cheekily that one of those mantras of our time being “only those who know all options are able to make optimal decisions” is simply a fallacy.

At least, he finds it very memorable that we “breathlessly surf through 20,000 decisions per day and forget to live”. He pleads for more serenity and a certain degree of ignorance against the ubiquitous advertising. He is  a fan of real shops and pedestrian zones and personally wishes for less online shopping. He warns against perfectionism, which is drumed into us everywhere and has no inhibitions to also spike his speeches with current topics from politics and society.

Laugh, think, question

Florian Schroeder is a welcome guest in German TV shows and talks being Mitternachtsspitzen or TV-Total, at Markus Lanz and in the NDR Talkshow, or at the famous cooking show Lafer!Lichter!Lecker!. Furthermore, he runs his own TV show and writes a radio column. Florian Schroeder inspires to laugh, think, reflect and question views on the world as it seems to be.

Would you like to get to know him? For further information, please contact us at florian.schroeder@premium-speakers.com

Florian Schroeder

Cabaret Artist, Moderator, Author & Speaker