“Lifechanger” and sales genius Holger Bröer: How to be successful!

16. July 2024 – Katharina Schlangenotto

“Of course, I can’t stand it when someone tells me: “You’re not allowed in here.” That immediately awakens my sales, hunting and man instinct.”

Sales professional Holger Bröer embodies the type of “laid-back Ruhrpottler with his heart in the right place”. But that’s just the first impression. It quickly becomes clear who else you are dealing with, and he is one thing above all: a real ace in sales. It seems as if he simply can’t help himself. Selling is in his DNA.

He stands casually on stage, as if he were sitting opposite you in your living room at home. He casually tells stories from his life. Firstly, he enjoys doing this and secondly, he does it really well, because one of his credos for success in sales is:

“Stories sell, facts bore.” – Holger Bröer

Patience and perseverance on the way to the top

Holger Bröer talks about an experience at Malibu Beach in the USA and his first visit to the Nobu restaurant and his attempt to enter the Soho Little Beach House next door. He didn’t succeed, members only and, as he said, even his “funny salesman sayings” didn’t help him. Anyone familiar with the concept of Soho houses knows that it is not easy to become a member.

Money alone is not enough; you need recommendations and guarantors and a certain social standing. Holger Böer’s ambition was awakened, we remember, the sales and hunting and man instinct in him, and he submitted his first application, which was to be followed by many more. They were all rejected. It was only after a full eight years that he was finally accepted into the club, of which he was determined to become a member. This is how he ended up on the terrace of the Soho Little Beach House in Malibu – and he is always happy to sit there.

Holger Bröer – Visualize, dream, be patient – and use the time in between wisely!

And what’s the moral of his story, of course?

Know what you want, be patient and use the “wait” wisely to develop yourself – or the product – and make it desirable.

Holger Bröer said:

“Sometimes you are so impatient and don’t even know how many opportunities you are wasting as a result. I wish you not only patience, but also passion, bite and enthusiasm along the way! And again: lots and lots of patience for what you want.”

Customers don’t appear overnight, he says, he has never had an overnight success and has never got anything quickly: “Everything I have built up in my life, I have visualized and dreamed of and subconsciously imagined again and again.” 

The American Dream in the Ruhr area: “I’m working my ass off.”

Holger Bröer lives alternately in Germany in the Ruhr region and in Santa Monica in California in the USA. The secret of his success: “I work my ass off every day. Nobody wants to hear that, of course, but that’s the way it is. I make my own economy, I do it all by myself.”

Anyone who works with Holger Bröer needs a thick skin because he is ruthlessly honest. He expects the “will to win”, as the Americans put it so beautifully. Bröer calls himself a biter and describes himself as committed, reliable and hard-working. Giving up is not an option for him – and he also instills this mindset in his customers and his audience.

If you’re looking for fabric softener, don’t go to Holger Bröer 

If you need fabric softener, you don’t go to Holger Bröer. But for all his “bite” and diligence on the road to success, one thing remains crucial in his view, and that is “the human factor”. Perhaps this is his personal secret to success, this mixture of a clear focus on the path to the goal and his humanity, approachability, and kindness, which he never loses. Böer works his ass off, as he says, he is by no means an a**hole.

This is also one of Bröer’s sales secrets:

In sales – and probably in life too – it’s always about the human factor. Firstly, people must meet each other at all and secondly, they should do so at eye level. It should be person-to-person and human, whether in a personal conversation or on social media.

“Lifechanger” and self-proclaimed lucky child with bite

Born and raised in Hagen, Germany, Holger Bröer likes to describe himself as a “lucky child”. This term fits perfectly with the man who has overcome many setbacks and challenges in his life to eventually become a successful entrepreneur, author, and inspirational speaker through, as he says, hard work and grit.

Twice in his life he has been broke and, in his words, “fallen flat on his face”, but each time he has picked himself up and carried on under his own steam. He advocates giving more than you take, a life motto that has brought him not only personal satisfaction but also business success.

People at the center

Technology and the way we do business have undergone revolutionary changes in recent decades. Holger Bröer remains an advocate of human interaction.

In his lectures and workshops, he emphasizes the importance of the “human factor” in sales. “The art of talking is listening,” says Bröer. “If you only talk, then you repeat what you already know. If you listen carefully to the other person, then you feel the resonance of the moment.”

His human-centered approach to sales is based on creating genuine connections and really understanding the needs of customers. This is also the central theme of his book “The human factor in sales”. Here he shares his insights and experiences and shows how important it is to bring passion and humanity into the sales process.

Keynote speaker Holger Bröer: “Live the life you deserve!”

As a keynote speaker and trainer, Holger Bröer inspires thousands of people.

He not only talks about the technical aspects of sales, but also focuses on the emotional and psychological aspects.

“Live the life you deserve” is his credo.

He encourages his listeners to leave their comfort zones and face the challenges on the way to a successful business.

He reiterates what is important: passion, grit, hard work, and patience on the road to success, which in his view is based in particular on selling. Because without customers who buy the product, there is no profit.

Holger Bröer has also published several books on the topics of sales, motivation, and personal development. They are a mixture of practical advice and inspiring stories. They motivate you to realize your full potential and never give up pursuing your goal, just because the road is harder and takes longer than expected.

In addition to his speaking activities, he also offers workshops and boot camps in which he teaches his techniques and methods in sales. These programs are designed to help participants improve their sales skills and achieve their professional goals.

His stories are a source of inspiration for anyone who wants to be successful in business and wants to know how sales really work.

In his easy going way he shows that true success is not only measured in numbers and statistics, but also in the ability to cultivate human relationships and master life’s challenges with courage and passion.

Anyone who does not yet feel their own sales and hunting instinct or that of their team or does not yet know how to use this instinct optimally, will listen to a thoroughly inspiring and entertaining keynote speech by Holger Bröer. It will be an experience. Perhaps even a life-changing one.

Request Holger Bröer as a speaker for lectures or workshops: 1 (704) 804 1054 or holger.broeer@premium-speakers.com

Holger Bröer

Managing Director Bröer & Partner GmbH, Lifechanger, Salesman