Marilyn Repp – The “5 Premium Speakers Questions”

02. September 2024 – Mandy Weinand

Marilyn Repp is regarded as one of the most important thought leaders in the German retail industry. She is a sought-after speaker, panelist and author of numerous columns who guides companies into the digital future. With clear messages and concrete recommendations for action, she makes complex digital trends tangible and motivates her audience to take action.

For over ten years, Repp has dedicated herself to digital transformation, especially in the SME sector, and is known for her expertise in the areas of retail innovation, retail technology and digitalization. At the German Retail Association (HDE), she set up the SME Digital Center Retail and is co-founder of the Retail Garage in Berlin.

Marilyn Repp is enthusiastic about the new and modern and is passionate about art, culture and sport.

Interview with Marilyn Repp:

1. What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?

Marilyn Repp:

In my lectures and keynotes, I focus on the future of retail. Trends, innovations and technologies are my playground. I send out clear messages. In my presentations, I break down digital trends and turn them into concrete to-do’s – accompanied by many good examples. My positive energy on stage makes complex topics tangible and motivates people to get to grips with them.

2. Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?

Marilyn Repp:

  • E-Commerce
  • Retailers
  • Retail
  • SME

3. Are you a PREMIUM SPEAKER? Where do you get your insights from?

Marilyn Repp:

I am considered one of the most important thought leaders in the German retail industry. I am a sought-after speaker, panelist and author of various columns. I scan trends for their future potential: Is this the future or can it go away?

At the German Retail Association (HDE), I set up the Mittelstand Digital Center for Retail. On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, this center supports and assists companies with digitalization. I am a co-founder of the Retail Garage in Berlin, where I act as a corporate influencer and community builder.

I have been a podcast host and author at since 2020. Here I interview the industry’s thought leaders.

I am a columnist for the magazines creativ verpacken and Fashion Today.

I have been a member of the Etailment Expert Council since 2024.

I am a jury member of the Smart Retail Initiative of the Frankfurt Economic Development.

4. What will be in the future? Does «time» play an important role in your work?

Marilyn Repp:

I have been looking at the future of the retail industry for many years. Today, innovations are mostly driven by new technologies – a core topic of my work. How do companies remain innovative and therefore competitive? What do technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality mean for retail? I break down the mega trends, show good examples from the industry and provide possible to-do’s.

5. Tell us your life motto? What do you want to give your listeners to take with them?

Marilyn Repp:

Out of the comfort zone, into the future!

Future is a mindset.

Future viability means openness to change.

‘We’ve always dorre it this way’ is the first step towards the end.

Change is the only answer to an ever-faster changing world.

Let’s fl’**** go!

Marilyn Repp

Retail Innovation Expert