Martin Limbeck – The “5 Premium Speakers Questions”

06. August 2024 – Astrid Berndt

Martin Limbeck is the founder of the Limbeck® Group, multiple entrepreneur, investor and one of the leading experts for sales and sales leadership in Europe. As a member of the BVMW Federal Economic Senate and Economic Senator (EWS), he shares his knowledge from 30 years of entrepreneurship and sales training in lectures and his mastermind group “Gipfelstürmer”. He is also an ambassador for Kinderlachen e.V., a charity for sick and needy children.

Limbeck has received several awards as “Trainer of the Year” and “Speaker of the Year” and shines on stage with individually tailored and motivating presentations.

Interview with Martin Limbeck:

1. What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?

Martin Limbeck:

The presentations focus mainly on the topics of sales / selling and sales management. How can successful sales be achieved today? How must companies structure their sales today in order to remain successful in the future?

I also offer presentations on two special topics: “Entrepreneurship, Germany’s last adventure” is aimed at entrepreneurs, in which I address the challenges facing entrepreneurs today and encourage them to take this step.

“Dodoland – Using the power of self-discipline to achieve more” is a socially critical topic. Here I highlight the fact that more and more people in Germany lack the desire to perform and provide suggestions for the path from inertia to more performance and success.

2. Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?

Martin Limbeck:

My presentations are primarily aimed at companies, sales managers and salespeople. Over the past 30 years, I have held training sessions and presentations in companies of various sizes and from a wide range of industries, so I can always incorporate suitable examples for any industry in my keynotes.

3. Are you a PREMIUM SPEAKER? Where do you get your insights from?

Martin Limbeck:

I can look back on a unique career in sales: in my mid-twenties, I was one of the youngest sales managers in Germany, and in 1992 I started my own business as a sales trainer. Since then, I have successfully advised and scaled more than 700 companies in over 32 countries with my company, the Limbeck Group, and more than one million salespeople have already taken part in my events and seminars.

I am also a five-time bestselling author with various specialist books on the subject of sales and a SPIEGEL bestselling author with my socio-political book “Dodoland – Uns geht’s zu gut”. I am a “Certified Speaking Professional”, an internationally recognized quality award for full-time speakers, for which continuous professionalism, customer satisfaction and success must be proven through numerous documents and audits and which is awarded by the American National Speakers Association (NSA).

4. What will be in the future? Does «time» play an important role in your work?

Martin Limbeck:

Sales in particular has changed more in the last 4 years than in the 40 years before. For me, one thing is certain: it is not a question of whether we need to change. The only decisive factor is whether we will be fast enough. I see it as my mission to initiate change through my presentations and to help companies and salespeople alike to become fit for Next Generation Sales – the sales of tomorrow.

5. Tell us your life motto? What do you want to give your listeners to take with them?

Martin Limbeck:

“If you stop learning, you’ve already stopped being good.”

Continuous training and lifelong learning are essential for me and I see them as the key to success, regardless of the field.

Martin Limbeck

Sales Expert, Business Coach