Expert in Transforming Sales Teams into Customer Focus Brand Ambassadors. Specialized in Retail, Brand and Digital Excellence. Her focus is to help companies transform their sales and service teams into brand ambassadors in order to generate an unforgettable customer experience.
What are the core subjects of your keynote speaches?
Brands, Customer experience, Luxury, sales, management
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
Target groups: manager, sales, teams, employees
All segments in which people play an important role between brands and customers (premium and luxury, cosmetics, hotel, automobile etc.)
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
I am enthousiastic about sharing my knowledge in a way that it can be easily transposed to other fields. My goals are to inspire, to open eyes, to bring people to the heart of companies and transform them into brand ambassadors. My knowledge is based on 20 years of management experience of over 1000 sales teams in international corporations and also on my research work as professor in marketing and sales with focus on premium industries.
What will be in the future? Does "time" play an important role in your work?
Digitalisation changes customers, their way to shop and also the way brands can fascinate customers. Customers will get more and more demanding, competition among brands and retailers is increasing. In the future it becomes essential to transform sales and service teams into brand ambassadors who can fascinate customers and attract them to traditional sales and service channels with expertise and human values.
What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?
You cannot change the wind but you can change the position of the sails. (Aristoteles)