Mohamed ElBaradei – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2005
Mohamed ElBaradei is a politician who stands for global security and the peaceful use of nuclear energy – and was quick to warn against the power of ISIS.
Today, Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei holds lectures on issues such as global security, peaceful use of nuclear power, nuclear disarmament, international organizations and international law, and benefits from his experience as diplomat, international civil servant and scholar.
For a FAZ campaign motif in 2008 he did, literally speaking, a screening to become transparent. For the IAEA Director Mohamed ElBaradei the campaign motif symbolized his professional desire – which means total transparency in terms of hidden nuclear arsenals. In order to achieve this he relied on future technologies and some smart brains of the new generation. A propos losing sight: Already in September 2014 he said in an interview with BILD: “The ISIS terrorism must be combated from all over the world, only a clear military deterrence will be helpful…. It’s important to say that not only the situation in Iraq is dramatic, but that Syria falls into oblivion. Every day hundreds of people die and hardly anyone has a closer look … “. Yes, Mohamed ElBaradei, unfortunately this became very true.
But coming back to him saying that he is a “visionary” – this was already apparent in his memorable speech to the UN Security Council in regards to the allegations of a new nuclear weapon programme of Iraq. Developments later on proved that Dr. ElBaradei’s assessment of Iraq’s nuclear programme was correct. At that time Dr. ElBaradei recalled a saying: “It’s dangerous to be shown to be in the wrong, but sometimes it’s even more dangerous, to be right in the end.”
Mohamed ElBaradei grew up in Cairo, earning his Bachelor Degree in law from Cairo University and a doctorate in international law from New York University School of Law. Dr. ElBaradei began his career in the Egyptian Diplomatic Service in 1964, serving in the Permanent Missions of Egypt to the United Nations, in charge of political, legal and arms control issues. During this period, Dr. ElBaradei participated in the activities of many international and regional organizations, including the United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations Security Council and the World Health Organization. Mohamed ElBaradei was awarded for his work on several occasions and also helds several honorary titles and decorations.
He is definitely an interesting personality and a political leader: “Hats off” to his courageous decisions. You would like to book Dr. ElBaradei for a keynote? Send an email to