Middle East expert Ulrich Tilgner on war in the Orient and the role of western politics

26. May 2020 – Oliver Stoldt

Ulrich Tilgner is a German TV journalist and has been reporting on the war for over 30 years. He was born in 1948 in Bremen, North Germany, and has been reporting on crisis regions in the Middle East for over 20 years. He was a correspondent in Iran in 1980 and 1981, and has worked for the German public TV station ZDF and Swiss television since 1982. Ulrich Tilgner already reported about the Gulf War from Bagdad in 1991. He has headed the ZDF office in Tehran since early 2002. In 2003, he received the renowned “Hanns Joachim Friedrichs Prize” for his work in reporting on the Iraq war.

Ulrich Tilgner has visited countries such as Jordan, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan as a correspondent for ZDF and reported live on the events from there for many years. Because Ulrich Tilgner mainly travels independently and uses contacts that have grown over the years in the respective states, hardly anyone can assess the situation in the crisis areas better than him. Ulrich Tilgner is also on the road with military units from various countries and aid organizations. He describes his work motto as follows: “The art is to get an overall view from the wealth of information and disinformation.”

Ulrich Tilgner – The Expert in the Middle East.

Ulrich Tilgner’s strength certainly lies in the undisguised and realistic view of things and his ability to describe relentlessly and honestly. Sometimes it even hurts, like it’s too much reality. And one wonders how a man can endure this life in the extremes.

With his books on the clash of Islam and Western politics (Between War and Terror, 2006) and on the war against Saddam Hussein in Iraq (The Staged War, 2003), Ulrich Tilgner is considered one of the most important experts on the historical-political and social situation in the middle east.

At the end of 2012, he published his book “The Logic of Arms”, in which he analyzed the effects of Western politics in the hotspots in the Middle East. Even back in 2012, he described the role of the West as putting political interests first, instead of giving priority to the consequences for the people living in those countries.

Ulrich Tilgner has a passion for the Middle East since his studies. With everything he does, he wants to educate and above all show that “people live on the other side too”. He is one of the war correspondents for whom people are paramount. The general media mainstream has never been his thing. The viewers appreciate him for his thoroughly journalistic and professional reporting.

THE WAR IN THE ORIENT – The Tensions between Cultures

His new book “War in the Orient” will be published in September 2020. It describes the crises in Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan as “just as different as their respective problems”. But Ulrich Tilgner shows that the crises there have in common, that they radiate to the West and bring migration and terror with them. He attributes this to a failed policy of the West and is not afraid to give the West “a great complicity in the emergence and spread of terrorist organizations such as the” Islamic State “or the permanent (civil) wars in the region”.

This is exactly how Ulrich Tilgner goes to work in his lectures: relentlessly honest, realistic, professional at all times and with the necessary journalistic distance. His lectures include topics such as the war in the Orient and the failure of the West, the ongoing conflicts in the Orient and why the burdens on Europe are increasing, the root cause of terror and the failed policies of the West as well as the flight into tradition or “War and Terror: The Tensions Between Cultures ”.

Book Ulrich Tilgner for your conference with The Premium Speakers Agency. Call us or send a mail to welcome@premium-speakers.com

Ulrich Tilgner

Experte in the Middle East, TV-Journalist