Nena Brockhaus, born in 1992, is a TV presenter, business journalist, columnist, political commentator and four-time SPIEGEL bestselling author (“Unfollow”, “Pretty Happy”, “Ich bin nicht grün – ein Plädoyer für Freiheit” & “Alte WEISE Männer”). All four of her books entered the SPIEGEL bestseller list immediately after publication. This makes Brockhaus one of the most successful young authors in the country. Writer Michel Abdollahi describes Brockhaus in his Stern podcast “Heute wichtig” as “the counterpart to Luisa Neubauer and Sophie Passmann.”
Nena Brockhaus in interview:
What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?
My talks are about nothing less than the state of the nation. While the last few years have been characterised by drawing from the full, the tools of the trade for independently coping with change and crisis have been lost sight of. It has been replaced by the cultivation of individual sensitivities, which, multiplied at a societal level, could ensure that Germany once again becomes the “sick man of Europe”.
My second core topic is employer branding. While there is debate about four-day weeks and work-life balance, I am certain that work-life balance is the lie of our time. One reason for this is social media. Never before has it been so easy to stage yourself. 71 per cent of Instagram users worldwide are under the age of 35. Their usage behaviour on Instagram reveals what makes Generation Y and Generation Z tick.
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
Anyone who is interested in the future of our country. People who want to have stimulating debates about economic and political issues. Anyone who wants to embark on a political journey.
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
I spent seven years at Handelsblatt, Wirtschaftswoche, BUNTE and Europe’s biggest media brand BILD, where I learnt political and business journalism from the ground up. I know what works well and what doesn’t in the German media. From countless interviews with top politicians such as Sahra Wagenknecht, Cem Özdemir, Wolfgang Kubicki, Christian Lindner, Karl Lauterbach and Edmund Stoiber, I know where the problem areas of politics lie. From discussions with business leaders such as ex-Adidas boss Kasper Rosted, management consultant Roland Berger and Biontech investor Thomas Strüngmann, I know the demands that business has on politics. My presentations are always a combination of politics, business and journalism.
The answer to why I am a premium speaker is simple: I love the political and economic debate. Exciting discussions, LIVE encounters with depth and thought-provoking keynotes are more important than ever.
What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?
Wandel wäre wünschenswert, aktuell steckt Deutschland in der Sanierungsfalle. Man könnte auch die Überschrift wählen: „Mad in Germany. Nichts funktioniert.“ Es funktioniert in diesem Land nichts mehr richtig und das ist ein wirkliches Problem. Das liegt auch daran, dass die Grundhaltung doch inzwischen die Work-Life-Balance ist. Viele leben vom Staat und verlangen von der Gesellschaft, dass sie von der Geburt bis zum Tod die Verantwortung für ihr eigenes Leben abgenommen bekommen. Das liegt wahrscheinlich daran, dass es für viele so bequem geworden ist. Aber eben nicht für alle. Wer arbeitet, ist oft der Dumme. Sich anzustrengen, ist ja reaktionär. Das muss sich ändern.
What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?
My own motto in life is:
“I never had the ambition to live an ordinary life.”
I would like to pass on this wisdom to my listeners:
“A good vision grows out of the balance between reality and utopia.”