Nils Müller – the “5-Premium-Speakers-Questions”

03. October 2017 – Patricia Zoller

Nils Müller – Leapfrogging refers to jumping from a low to the currently highest possible level of development and implies the overtaking of already overhauled technologies.

What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?

Nils Müller:

The World in 2030: I take the guests with me on a breathtaking journey into the future, into the year 2030. This is done in a multimedia setting, backed up by plenty of videos, live exhibitions (robots, artificial intelligence, VR & AR, etc.) and best practice examples from around the world! Infotainment at its best! HOW TO INNOVATE! We begin with a journey into the year 2030 and use a wide range of examples to show how major companies deal with innovation and transformation. I focus closely on topics like Intrapreneuership, Accelerators, Incubators, Consumer Insights, Corporate Foresight, Vision Development, Creativity Culture and Disruption.

Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?

Nils Müller:

The TrendONE cross-industry approach enables us to offer our presentations to all sectors of industry. Trend phenomena address a wide range of industries and target groups, and can be integrated into any business environment. Our keynote presentations are always individually organized in collaboration with our customers.

Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?

Nils Müller:

Trend scouts throughout the world work for us to look for “signals” – small innovations with great potential. They report their observations to our team of analysts. 1,500 trend suggestions are sent to us every month for evaluation by our analysts. These could be new marketing and media innovations, smart technologies, pioneering products or successful start-ups. We identify the most relevant of these suggestions as micro-trends, and then interpret and cluster the topics as the first signs of broader developments.

What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?

Nils Müller:

Journeys into the future are my speciality. We are living in a time of highly accelerated change. For this reason, a special focus of my presentations is a look over the 10-year horizon to help companies develop their visions. As disruptions are driven from the outside, we use our cross-industry approach to present innovations from related industries too.

What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?

Nils Müller:

My motto in life is: the future is full of opportunities – and we clearly visualize them in our keynotes. This leads to important new business impulses for our participants. We are convinced that keeping your eyes wide open is well worth it. After all, the major trends & innovations of tomorrow can already be seen today – if you read between the lines.

Nils Müller

Futurist, Founder & CEO TRENDONE