Oliver Leisse, 58, was for many years strategy consultant at international advertising agencies like DDB, TBWA, BBDO and Springer & Jacoby.
What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?
The future developments have never been so complex, fascinating but at the same time as irritating as they are today. Therefore, as a chronicler of change, I try to provide a clear view of what is coming. As the founder and owner of a Trend/Future institute, I am in constant contact with the metropoles of the world and our employees there. So I see what comes, what is relevant and what people want. My core topics are the coming developments for industries, companies, offers and our lives: how will we consume, what will we consume? How will we work, what will make our lives easier, how will technology evolve and integrate into our lives? What opportunities and challenges are we going to encounter? The topics are diverse, and my keynotes are always up to date with the latest developments.
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
My keynotes are filled with tangible examples and easy to comprehend for everyone who’s interested in the future! The future is so diverse, new, inspiring, motivating … I appeal to all who are interested in the future and future developments. My keynotes help to understand our markets, consumers, and the world a little more, make companies aware of the rapid changes, and encourage employees to embrace the coming challenges.
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
I have been a trend researcher and futurist for 20 years, because 20 years ago I founded one of the first online market and trend research institutes (EARSandEYES). Since 2000, my team has built up a worldwide pool of trend scouts and analysts. In 2008 I founded the trend and future research institute SEE MORE, which deals with Future Research & Development. Over the years, I’ve held countless keynotes and have been able to improve my expertise step by step. In 2012, with Be Prepared, published by Haufe Verlag, I wrote an easy-to-follow guide for the upcoming 30 trends, and a second edition followed in 2014. My “why” (the reason I get up in the morning) is that I want to prepare companies and people for the changes the future has in store for them. Be prepared!
What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?
The future brings constant change in a faster and faster rhythm. And there is only one option to persist in times of change: We must deal with developments, use them and shape them. Everything has its time, so you say – and ours has come now. In this great time of transformation, we need to seize the opportunities. Now! In my keynotes, I show my customers how they can do that for their industry and their projects.