At the #OMR in Hamburg at the beginning of May, it became clear once again: in the flood of business cards and LinkedIn requests, real human contact often falls by the wayside. Is it the sheer volume of interactions that keeps us on the surface?
This is why I love the motto “Cut the bullshit”. Less talking around the bush and more clarity. But much more than the sheer number of contacts, I love sustainable connections, good conversations and personal exchanges.
The OMR was another brilliant conference with great speakers, personalities and side events. This event is firmly anchored in my agenda. Excellent presentations, lots of learning and exciting hashtag#meetings.
The Premium Speakers Agency: We are different. And we are not interchangeable. In a world that is often only fixated on quick deals and superficial contacts, directness and authenticity are indispensable for me. These values help us to stand out from the crowd and create real added value. Our speakers and experts change the world.
Similarly, we put these principles into practice every day at The Premium Speakers Agency. Our speakers are experts (know-how carriers) in their subject areas and thus offer real added value and solutions. We rely on expertise and real performance rather than empty promises. Our aim is for our business relationships and services to deliver what they promise. And my team and I will continue to work towards this every day.
There were some special presentations and keynotes. One highlight was the opening speech by Economics Minister Robert Habeck. Not a party speech or politician bashing, but a top speech on the current situation with war, economy and change in all facets in the globalized world. Worthy of the Federal President. Scott Galloway and the panel discussion with Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann were also great.
The #OMR 2024 was another super strong event and I congratulate Philipp Westermeyer and his team on this success. Next year’s event will be super exciting again. And of course we’ll be there again.