Pascal Kaufmann: Anyone who is not open to change soon becomes irrelevant.
AI stands for Artifical Intelligence, this is the topic that concerns the passionate neuroscientist Pascal Kaufmann. Will we all eventually be replaced by machines?
You certainly know the movie ‘Matrix’? Did it scare you? Maybe, as in it we humans lost the fight against the machines we created ourselves. It left the anxious question: Could this possibly happen in the future? And: is the future starting now?
What makes some anxious, Pascal Kaufmann sees as a big advantage for humanity, because, he says: ‘We should thereby gain a lot of free time.’ The ‘Human Worker 3.0’ will work at home and rely heavily on technology. And the ‘Employee 4.0’ will be a robot. He believes in the success of artificial intelligence and the peaceful coexistence of man and machine.
Artificial intelligence does not really exist yet
At the same time, Kaufmann is quite critical of his favorite subject, because he does not consider the artificial intelligences to be really intelligent.
Artificial intelligence as of today wouldn’t be much more than ‘humans inside a box’. That’s reassuring, because after all, no one wants to imagine that we humans will eventually be completely replaced by machines. Pascal Kaufmann does not believe that. Nevertheless, he also says that we have to deal with new technologies: ‘If you do not like change, try irrelevance’. Who wants to sink into insignificance?
From the beginning: In 1957, the first artificial neural network ever was developed and, according to Kaufmann, since then little has been done in the field of deep learning, as it is called today.
From deep learning to artificial intelligence
Deep learning is a machine learning technique that allows computers to acquire skills that humans naturally possess: learning from examples. The technology is used, for example, for driverless cars, which thereby ‘learn’ to distinguish a pedestrian from a street lamp. Deep learning is also essential in the field of voice control for smartphones, tablets, televisions and hands-free devices.
Kaufmann believes, however, that deep learning is at best a hype, because technology has not developed significantly since 1957. The same goes for artificial intelligence.
Der Spiegel earlier this year titled an article ‘If the computer understands what it reads.’ Simply put, behaviors from computer-controlled machines are increasingly approaching those of humans.It needs data.
A lot of data.
Computer systems are enabled by a vast quantity of data to make decisions based on probabilities. You could say, the machine becomes increasingly human, which of course is nonsense, because it lacks feelings. A computer remains emotionless. This means that the ‘mindset’ will be different from ours in any case.
As a neuroscientist, he therefore believes that successful advancement of artificial intelligence ‘does not come from the people that currently putting millions into deep learning, but from researchers trying to decode and extract how the brain works.’
About Starmind Brain Technology and Knowledge Management
In his lectures, Pascal Kaufmann talks about new technologies and their effects on companies and employees: the ‘Starminds Brain Technology’ method developed by him is based on the latest findings in brain research. Artificial intelligence is used to map the knowledge of employees within an organization.
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