Premium Speakers meets… former German Minister of Defence “KTG“ Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg in NYC
His outfit looks quite easy and so does his face. Big difference compared to his time as CSU politician and Minister of Defence in Germany. His life has changed since he moved to Connecticut in 2011. Obviously in a positive way. He confirms the observation and says that he and his family enjoy their lives in the US. Many things, for example taking care oft he children, would be easier here.
A man in love with Sillicon Valley
Since his arrival at the East Coast almost four years ago, he has switched his focus from politics to the consultancy of Internet companies, mainly Start Ups. He advises them for example on how to find an investor. In 2013, he founded his consultancy company Spitzberg Partners LLC with an office in Soho, NYC, with former head of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Washington, Ulf Gartzke. Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg loves the creativity and pace in Silicon Valley. In general, it would be easier to found a Start-Up and find an investor for it – if there is a solid idea behind. “In Germany”, he says. “a Start-Up would maybe get 300.000 Euro (appr. 335.000 USD). In the US, just one great idea would sometimes be assed with a million.”
Political comeback in Germany? Not!
At the beginning of the year, there were some speculations going on about a possible political comeback of Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg in Germany. The reason was a meeting of young CSU politicians that von Guttenberg had organised. The Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer declared: “My door is open for Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg.” Dispite it all, KTG has other future plans in mind. He is not keen on going back to Germany as he likes his life here in the US a lot. A happy man.
And now?
He wants to share more of his experience with an audience. As a speaker, he wants to support others with his knowledge and so he talks about topics such as current political, economic and financial issues, global transatlanticism, Iran and the Middle East, rebuilding transatlantic relations, foreign affairs and defence policy or technology and internet security.
If you want to participate of his impressive knowledge, please contact us to get more details about Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg at: