“Zeitenwende” needs a mindshift turnaround.
An exciting workshop with Dr. Uve Samuels at the Exponential Innovation Institute in Hamburg with the core team of Premium Speakers. For the second time, we had the pleasure of spending time with Uve Samuels and discussing the focus, positioning and future of the speaker industry. Due to the changes around us, we are always very happy to receive input from an innovation expert.
The speaker industry…. by now this word has become completely hackneyed. Fifteen years ago, when I launched Premium Speakers, it was still something special to invite a keynote speaker and thus be able to present a special personality to your guests. Today, it feels like everyone is a “speaker”, and there are (unfortunately) more than enough of the “loud” speakers and steam talkers.
“We need to understand the past in order to shape the future.”
The Premium Speakers-Team: We are different. Always thinking and acting ahead. We all come from the hotel and tourism industry, with our service DNA we are not interchangeable.
Our speakers at Premium Speakers are real experts (know-how carriers) in their subject areas and thus offer real added value and solutions. We convey experiences – emotions, knowledge, education, messages and with our conference expertise we know both sides, both as organizers and as service providers. We keep an eye on the entire event, including technology, transfers, travel and presentation.
Do you still have questions about us and our expertise? We look forward to working with you.