Richard C. Schneider – from theatre director to Bureau Chief and Chief Correspondent German Television ARD in Tel Aviv, Israel
Middle East, Europe and the US
Several years later, he started at the German private TV station ARD and wrote articles in German print media mainly for “Die Zeit” and “Süddeutsche Zeitung” and did reports for Radio stations. On TV, he focused on documentaries from Europe, Middle East and the US.
Mail from Tel Aviv, Israel
Since 2006, he is Bureau Chief and Chief Correspondent at the ARD in Tel Aviv, Israel. His aim is to inform about the current events in Israel at close range. “I surely can’t change the world with my films, videos, books, articles, blogs and tweets”, he says. “But I can make sure that nobody will ever say again: I did not know!”
To also reach young target group, he his also busy writing his blog including videos and tweeting all day long about the everything happening in Tel Aviv. He is right there and is able to show different angles and opinions which might otherwise not reach us. His stunningly open and sympathetic attitude makes him a great guest and speaker at any event.
Richard C. Schneider certainly is one of the most experienced Middle East experts of our times. In his speeches, he talks about the Start-Up Nation Israel, the Two-State-Solution, present developments in the Middle East and the meaning of democracy for Non-European countries.
If you want to learn more, book Richard C. Schneider for your next Top-Event and write us an email for more information: