Bureau Chief & Chief Correspondent German Television ARD in Tel Aviv, Israel

Richard C.Schneider – Bureau Chief and chief correspondent for German Broadcaster ARD Studio Tel Aviv since 2006: areas of responsibility include Israel, the Palestinian Autonomous Territories and Cyprus.

Possible topics for lectures

  • The Start-up Nation: What made Israel one of the most successful hightech-countries in the world?
  • The Two-State-Solution: Illusion or possible reality?
  • Present developments in the Middle East and consequences for the Western world (IS, Syria, Qatar, Iraq, Egypt, Israel, Palestine)
  • What’s democracy and liberalism? A European problem of Interpretation

After receiving an M.A. degree in German Studies, Dramatics and History of Art from Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich, Schneider worked 10 years at the theater, before devoting himself entirely to Journalism.

He joined ARD German Television as a journalist in 1989 and also regularly writes for print media and radio. As a broadcast journalist he focuses on current news affairs, TV reportages and documentaries on Europe, the Middle East and the US.


Bayerischer Fernsehpreis (Bavarian TV award) 2000 and 2009, CIVIS Medienpreis (Media Award for Integration and Cultural Diversity in Europe) 2000, Tagesthemen-Award 2007 and 2012, (Current News Award), Grimme Online Award 2014 (for webcontent accompanying the 90 min. doc “Between Hope and Despair – The New Middle East”, authors: Richard C.Schneider and Jörg Armbruster.).

Schneider is author of several books about the Middle East, Israel and the German-Jewish relationship. Currently he is writing a book manuscript on the crisis of Israeli society, working title: “Gaza and no end in sight”

For the last 5 years Schneider has a videoblog on tagesschau.de called: “Between the Mediterranean and Jordan”. He’s tweeting via @rc_schneider, and developed the first trimedial Blogsite of ARD German TV: “Israel – Palestine”.

Since 2012 teaching at German Journalism School in Munich (DJS)

Motivation for his work

On his desk he has an original sleeper anchor from Auschwitz. It reminds him of his goals: With his films, books, articles, blogs and tweets he certainly cannot change the world, but at least make sure that never again people can say: “We did not know!”