Sir Bob Geldof – more Ritter country needs: the European Hero on his campaign for a better world.

04. August 2015 – Katharina Schlangenotto

In 1984, he stood on a stage wearing a trendy 80s suit with way too large trousers and a gigantic jacket. He performed his great song “This is the world calling”, one of the first as a solist. His career is unprecedented, the man has different talents for sure, music is just one of many. Today, he is among the most respected corporate speakers and writers of keynotes for conferences and dinner speeches. The Queen hit him in 1986 knighted, not only since then, he is on a campaign for a better world. His commitment to Africa, compiled from musical personalities formation “Live8” that emerged in the 80s as well as various lectures and talks with politicians around the globe make Sir Bob Geldof an exceptional guest speaker.

Apart from moving and shaking up contents, his life as a pop star has this spark of fascination that makes him even more interesting, as if his lifestyle would add something mysterious to him. Still, the Irishman has remained quite down to earth. There is little evidence of his glamorous life as a world star, he is much more concerned to bring the message across, far away from any airs and graces. If you want to get into Geldof’s swing, check out Youtube. Maybe you even find one or the other good old vinyl record in your collection, along with the Boomtown Rats, his first band, evergreens such as “I don’t like Mondays”, “The Beat of the Night” or “The Great Song of Indifference”. Put it on, get into the tune and you will learn a lot about the man who tours around the world to bring awareness to the problems of our times.

Meanwhile, his shaggy hair, a trademark, turned gray, but his commitment to a better world has not changed at all. In his lectures, he builds bridges between countries and people. Through his projects, he connects artists and fans, businesses and politicians and he understands it like no other to inspire people and organizations. He is on a mission to shape the future of the planet sustainably.

Just like in his music, he talks passionately and bravely in his electrifying speeches about the important and necessary changes to make the world a better place. Sir Bob Geldof is undoubtedly one of the most unusual and charismatic personalities in the music- and business world of our time, a true knight of the 21st century.

Please contact us for further inquieries about Sir Bob Geldof at:

Sir Bob Geldof

Businessman, Political Activist, Songwriter, Musician & Author