International chess grandmaster, entrepreneur and strategist. As a pro and trainer Stefan Kindermann was all over the world for more than 20 years. His keynotes are a perfect mixture of giving the audience an additional value and enertainment. Several client feedbacks confirm this.
What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?
Strategies of the chess grandmasters for decision makers – always one move ahead!Intelligent intuition – the human trump card in the computer age
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
Executives from a wide range of businesses, scientists from biotechnology to international tax law, or marketing experts. The speeches are also very suitable for banks and insurance companies, where long-term planning, well-calculated risk-taking, and making decisions in the face of uncertainties, play a central role.
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
For one thing, I am a chess grandmaster and I was a chess professional for more than 20 years, as well as a chess coach. Subsequently I worked for many years as an NLP coach. In years of a joint effort with professor Robert von Weizsäcker, I precisely analysed the chess grandmasters' strategies for success and unveiled their best techniques in both the rational-strategic and mental-psychological areas. The strategy model called ‘The King´s Plan’, which was created this way, is also influenced by my experiences as a business founder and executive manager. One of my central topics, for which chess is an ideal model, is: how to make optimal use of the powers of our intuition – how can we understand them better, and how can we develop them further? How do we protect ourselves from typical intuitive mistakes? As a unique feature, we show how executives can connect their valuable intuition with structured and strategic planning and thus make good decisions in a complex environment under time pressure. As a keynote speaker, I see my main task in conveying valuable new ideas to my audience, while also entertaining them well. In the endeavour to optimise my personal performance, I was greatly advanced by my intensive work with acting coaches, who know exactly how to captivate an audience!
What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?
In management, decisions have to be made ever more quickly, the complexity of these decisions grows, the consequences of our decisions become more far-reaching, and thus the personal pressure we are subjected to grows as well. For chess professionals, such a scenario is an everyday occurrence; they have learnt, over the course of centuries, to deal with it in an optimal way. In the course of digitalisation, all rational-strategic processes will be taken over gradually by artificial intelligence. It is all the more important to enhance our understanding of humanity´s very own and unique trump card, and to develop it further, to wit, our intuition. Fast as lightning, a well-working gut instinct draws from the full treasure of our entire life´s knowledge and experience, and makes the real difference between top executives and less successful managers. At the same time, studying this vital area meticulously is required in order to connect, in the future, the strategic-digital sphere with the sphere of human creativity and intuition and to create a network between the pertaining sections.
What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?
Only when we connect intuition and rationality can we succeed in masterful planning and decision-making. A general life motto of mine would be: Per aspera ad astra! (‘Through hardships to the stars!’)