Susanne Nickel is an expert for change 4.0 and innovative leadership. She collected her valuable experiences through her long career as a manager and an advisor in national as well as international companies and concerns, most recently as the Head of HR at the Haufe Academy for Consulting and at Kienbaum Management Consultants.
What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?
Change Management 4.0. The big change: Out of the old into the new world. Ambidextrie – balancing act between stable and agile. Accelerating processes and inspiring people with co-creation. How to achieve sustainable change and reduce resistance. What innovative methods such as LSP, Design Thinking can achieve. Effective company leadership in change – only with sense of urgency. Change 4.0 Competencies
Innovative Leadership / Leadership 4.0 The digital transformation is a people transforamtion – which kind of managers are needed to master the ambidextrious challenges? How does change suceed in mind-set? Accelerating processes and inspiring people with co-creation. New leadership concepts – not everyone has to be agile. With Lego to the boardroom?
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
B2B, From C-level till employees. Mixed branches. DAX till mid-sized companies
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
Susanne Nickel is an expert in change management 4.0 and innovative leadership. The digital transformation is a people transformation and it is the task of executives to master the balancing act between stable and agile. As a change expert she works with innovative and co-creative methods such as Lego Serious Play, Design Thinking, Canvas and many more.
She collected her valuable experiences through her long career as a manager and an advisor in national as well as international companies and concerns, most recently as the Head of HR at the Haufe Academy and at Kienbaum Management Consultants. She has been in and out of almost all DAX 30 companies for many years. From the change in mind-set to successful implementation, the woman knows what she’s talking about and how necessary changes are for success. Susanne Nickel lives what she teaches and has successfully mastered many changes in her own career.
She is a lawyer, executive coach, and management consultant. She was a mediator and legal expert on television and was well known for her simple explaining of complex issues. Susanne Nickel teaches as a lecturer for economy mediation and leadership at numerous prestigious institutions and studied dance under Pina Bausch at the Folkwang-Hochschule. Nobody else combines structure and creativity like her – both essential for a successful transformation She won a prize as a speaker with the best keynote at the GSA 2016.
What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?
My topic is change and change 4.0. The future is uncertain and that is why we have to start with the toolset, skillset and mindset of managers and employees. We need to have security in this VUCA Word with its ambidextrious challenges
What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?
We have to change the change to be successful! Susanne Nickel
Playgrounds are runways for innovations. Susanne Nickel