Veit Etzold, “the German Dan Brown” is a bestselling author, keynote speaker and consultant, and consequently knows exactly how to apply the techniques of exciting storytelling to the communication needs of individuals and businesses…
What are the core subjects of your keynote speaches?
Storytelling, Strategy, Leadership, Change, Sales
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
Target groups: CEOs, Top Manager, Sales Manager
Sectors: Insurance / Banking, IT, Industry, Consulting
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
First career step as a banker. Followed by consultant. Meanwhile I’m one of the most successful thriller-authors in Germany. That’s why I know all about the power of storytelling and how to communicate any subject simply and easy to understand to any audience. Whether it’s about products, ideas, strategies, changes or yourself – to tell is to sell. All you need is the right story. Exciting. Inspiring. Convincing… like my keynotes and workshops. Get to know the bestseller code for your success story!
What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?
I am convinced, that in the future the need for stories rather grows than declines. There are more and more information pounding on the brain, lower attention spans every year – and the next competitor is only one click away. Good stories are – like good jokes – also about timing. Because if you don’t tell a good story soon enough, your competitor will. And thus will finally eat your lunch.
What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?
Why? A story can only have a happy end, if there is a villain, who is defeated. A problem can only be solved, if you name it as a problem. And human beings are most happy, when they overcome some obstacle, solve problems or defeat villains. Be it in a thriller or in real life.
"„A movie is only as good as its villain.“ (Alfred Hitchcock)"