Nikki Greenberg – The Futurist

Nikki Greenberg Zukunftsforscherin und Vordenkerin
April, 21.04.2024

Nikki Greenberg is a world-leading futurist and innovation strategist, focussed on preparing organizations for a tech-enabled future. She helps leaders re-imagine their businesses to bring them into alignment with the increasingly digitized way that people live, work and communicate today.

Nikki Greenberg is a world-leading futurist and most sought-after industry trends keynote speaker.

A true digital nomad, Nikki has had an impressive international career that has spanned the US, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia. Nikki Greenberg has worked with global organisations including Lendlease, QIC, Brown Harris Stevens, Koichi Takada Architects, and Greenland Australia.

Nikki Greenberg is one of the world’s leading futurologists. Nikki Greenberg talks about the opportunity with Generation Z, smart cities, sustainability and how the construction industry needs to make building better, smarter and greener in the future. Artificial intelligence in construction and architecture is an important topic. What can the latest technology do better than humans used to?

Book Nikki Greenberg for presentations with The Premium Speakers Agency.

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