Shawn Kanungo – Strategy in a World of Disruption

November, 12.11.2024

Shawn Kanungo is a globally recognized innovation strategist and bestselling author.

He previously spent 12 years at Deloitte working closely with leaders to better plan for the opportunities associated with disruptive innovation. Shawn is a Partner with Queen & Rook, where he advises leading organizations and executives on disruptive trends.

Strategy in a World of Disruption.

The business world has fundamentally changed forever. The growth and adoption of new technologies is at a dizzying pace. Customer and employee expectations have been pushed forward 10 years due to the pandemic. We are now looking for organizations to be fearless in a changing world.

Shawn Kanungo is one of the most prolific keynote speakers in the world – working with Fortune 500 companies, associations and leading governments.

In addition to in-person keynotes, Shawn’s virtual keynotes are considered world-class, interactive cinematic experiences. Every performance is produced with an award-winning film crew in awe-inspiring theatres.

Book Shawn Kanungo for a presentation, keynote and masterclass with The Premium Speakers Agency.

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