Thomas H. Zurbuchen – Head of Space

Oktober, 03.10.2024

Thomas H. Zurbuchen is the Leader of ETH Zürich | Space.

He was Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA from 2016 to 2022. Previously Professor of Space Science and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan. Also founder of the largest Entrepreneurship programme at American Universities – the Michigan Center for Entrepreneurship – and a member of the International Academy of Astronautics.

Thomas Zurbuchen: „Excellence is not the absence of errors, but constant improvement.“

Scientific discovery is one of humanity’s most important endeavors. Using the tools of exploration, we can better understand our world and our universe and ultimately learn more about ourselves. All discovery is interconnected, and no important question stands alone.

As NASA’s Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen was tasked with helping us answer some of humanity’s biggest questions: Where did we come from? Are we alone? How does the universe work? Dr. Zurbuchen is well versed in the practice of asking difficult questions that help us seek interconnected answers leading to real world impacts. He is keenly interested in innovation and how leadership is developed and how the pursuit of excellence can help change the world.

Thomas H. Zurbuchen: „Today, NASA is leading efforts to answer a host of important questions for humanity: Where do we come from? How did life originate? How are Earth’s environments changing? There has never been a more pivotal time to solve these mysteries.“

Book Thomas Zurbuchen for a keynote and presentation with The Premium Speakers Agency. Call us or send a mail directly to

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