Niklas Jost – the “5 Premium Speakers Questions”

22. July 2021 – Mandy Weinand

Niklas Jost is a speaker, life coach, author and co-author. Almost all his life he has been involved in personnel management, consulting or coaching. Niklas Jost was able to expand his leadership experience in several management positions at renowned fitness clubs. Here he not only discovered the advantages of kinesiology for his work as a personal coach. He also encountered the superiority of the subconscious consciously for the first time. At the same time, he learned about the possibility of concretely controlling the subconscious through the conscious.

His vision:

“I want to support people in responsibly and consciously minimizing their limiting disruptive factors. And thus maximize their potential, self-determination and success for meaningful tasks and a fulfilling, powerful life!”

We talked to Niklas Jost about what that means exactly and what makes him a premium speaker:

Interview with Niklas Jost

Premium Speakers: What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?

Niklas Jost: My core topics revolve around success through protective boundaries, through the possibility-creating NO.

Your success in life depends on your ability to say NO. Moreover, the success of your company depends on how your employees, especially your managers, deal with their YES-NO behaviour, i.e., their boundary setting, among themselves. The NO is the main tool to set protective boundaries for yourself and your employees to outline your areas of responsibility precisely.

Accepting too much responsibility for others is an enormous disruptive factor. It means a multiple burden that permanently leads to loss of performance and motivation and even burn-out. Protective boundaries thus help to avoid sick days for your employees. Protective boundaries enable your employees to tackle challenges with motivation and to perform at their best.

The prerequisite for lasting success in the company is a respectful and self-confident approach to NO by all employees. This also includes the basics of functioning success and boundary setting. According to the formula SUCCESS = POTENTIAL – DISTURBANCE FACTOR, the disturbance factor is the most adjustable variable. Thus dealing with NO has the greatest potential to bring about positive changes.

If you are able to say NO convincingly and confidently, you minimize your disruptive factors. This applies equally to you and to your team. Moreover, if you can say NO convincingly and confidently, your YES automatically takes on a different weight. Those who take on too many tasks from others are no longer able to do justice to their own tasks. Always saying YES is therefore an enormous disruptive factor for one’s own success.

Those who want to lead must therefore first learn to say NO. Instead of getting bogged down with trivialities, one should try to be a beacon for employees, customers and superiors. Enthusiastic employees inspire their colleagues, and enthusiastic employees and managers inspire their customers.

  • Team leadership: Why and how your NO makes your team successful
  • Leadership made easy – your NO as a turbo booster for your YES
  • Success through team power and clarity – your NO counts!
  • Freedom through boundaries – your YES to NO!
  • Saying NO: How to boost your self-esteem
  • Healthy boundary setting for your success!

Premium Speakers: Which audiance or which branch do you reach with your speech?

Niklas Jost: As a novice speaker, I feel at home on practically any stage. Whether digitally, as a speaker online or live on stage with a keynote in front of an audience: My passion is to get to the heart of complex topics in an emotionally gripping way and to package them in a call-to-action in order to achieve a positive change in the lives of the audience.

The overarching themes such as “protective boundaries” and the closely related keywords “self-awareness” and “self-love” lead to the question of saying NO consciously and in a manner appropriate to the situation. This also extends to the possible consequences of not being true to oneself in the process. These issues apply to everyone, regardless of social class, area of life or industry.

The targeted and protective NO has the potential to change things for the better. This applies not only to everyday business and professional life, but also to private life: The daily interaction with your partner or your own children. Even here, the mental influence on business life has been scientifically proven. However, this is just as true at the higher level of society, the economy and also in politics. Being able to say NO in the right places is one of the greatest levers of our time for positive change in circumstances and situations.

The best and most direct way to do this is to consciously adjust the protective boundaries. By using NO responsibly, sensitively and just as powerfully, the YES is enhanced. It then appears all the more credible because one’s opposite number can be certain that it stems from deepest conviction and that a basis of trust exists. Especially in positions of responsibility, particularly in personnel management, this is a decisive factor for success.

Different scenarios for the use of my speech are conceivable: Perhaps you are beginning to lose touch with yourself and are already deep in crisis on the verge of burn-out. Or perhaps you simply feel stressed frequently because you want to please everyone – except yourself. In most cases, saying YES to yourself and your protective boundaries means gaining better self-control over your life.

But the changes caused by new digital media are also an issue. The temptations of online series, games, social media or a quick click in shopping portals lurk everywhere. For people who have ignored their deep-seated needs for too long, everything that leads to the fulfilment of needs in the short term is a danger. These have long been social trends whose direct negative influence on performance is evident in many areas. This is evident in the increasing number of sick days due to anxiety and overload: A development that also results in immense financial losses for the economy.

With his impulse lectures, Niklas Jost would like to help companies in all sectors to achieve a change in thinking. One path that has proven successful in reducing sick days is the joint implementation of a more efficient way of working in the course of subsequent seminar days that take place with employees and managers. In the process, Jost uses his “boundary type model”, with the help of which each participant can recognise within a few minutes why saying YES or NO is so pronounced in him or her and which path of optimisation he or she could take.

For one thing is certain: We can only have long-term, genuine success in life and especially at work if we take our needs into account and draw healthy boundaries. Only then do we have sufficient physical and mental stamina and sensitivity to be appealing to others. And only in this way can we meet challenges powerfully and be like a rock in turbulent waters: Strong, standing in the middle of life and successful.

Premium Speakers: Are you a PREMIUM SPEAKER? Where do you get your insights from?

Niklas Jost: I am convinced that my private ups and downs and the experiences from my life as an entrepreneur over the last 30 years can help other people find an easier and more powerful path to success. I used to have great difficulty saying NO. I often said YES even when I felt NO – sometimes with fatal consequences.

Once I came to understand the reasons for my repeated failure back then – saying NO too infrequently and thus limiting my possibilities – I was able to take concrete countermeasures. Recognition, respect and trust have since been the reward for this process, in which I have learned not to let myself be controlled by others. Because success is only guaranteed if I can choose my own path. Today, as a successful entrepreneur, I deal with the people, projects and issues that are close to my heart!

For almost 30 years I was active in business and personnel management as an entrepreneur, but also on behalf of other companies. Several thousand job interviews, counselling and coaching sessions as well as interaction with many seminar participants have clearly shown me that the ability to delineate one’s protective boundaries with a clear NO is decisive for success and failure. Moreover, I was able to learn that many people have great difficulties with precisely this clear, self-determined NO. They thereby waste their potential and their satisfaction instead of developing the ability to be a beacon for those around them.

Premium Speakers: What will be in the future? Does «time» play an important role in your work?

Niklas Jost: The future is increasingly determined by how we humans interact with each other. This is happening despite and precisely because of the very rapid progress of digitalisation and the increasing fascination with digital worlds that seem more and more real. It is also becoming easier to carry out more and more everyday and professional tasks in the digital world and without direct physical contact. This makes real, appreciative interaction between employees and people in general all the more important.

The difficulty of distinguishing between reality and the numerous, plentiful “possibilities” to realise one’s dream is constantly increasing. Here, too, protective boundaries are needed to find one’s own path and to pursue it unflinchingly. Dangers lurk above all when it comes to anonymity and the tendency to conform to the mainstream or to want to please others at all costs.

Building good and long-term relationships at work and in private life is becoming more difficult in a time when everything seems to be available in seconds at the click of a mouse. Because of our unfulfilled needs, because we want to belong and in order not to make a fuss, we therefore all too often say YES. That is why companies, but also politics and society are highly dependent on how their employees and citizens deal with digital media. However, they are also dependent on how these persons react to defeats, opportunities and challenges and whether they have learned to say NO.

Do they let themselves be slowed down because success may not be just a mouse click away or because it might make them “lonely”? Or do they become successful and get through this initially tough phase? Do they see themselves in a positive sense as an indispensable part of a larger whole or as a struggling individual who, in order to survive, has to assert himself against everything and everyone?

The time factor also plays an essential role in successful team work. Only time gives us the chance to work towards desired changes in a targeted way. A team that is allowed to shape things constructively and with creativity needs individual members who know their limits and have learned to respect them in others. Only in this way is it possible to gain the mental strength needed to achieve the goals. This applies to the “colleagues” team just as much as to the “family” team, the “friends” team or the “society” team.

I believe in a thoroughly positive development for us humans. More and more companies and business sectors will have to pay even more attention to what a motivating, positive togetherness of people at work can look like. The knowledge of how this can be achieved is already available in several variants. The concept of the boundary type model can accelerate this path.

Premium Speakers: Tell us your life motto? What do you want to give your listeners to take with them?

Niklas Jost: My motto in life is

“To be able to decide self-confidently and freely which path I really want to take and which people I want to devote myself to.”

Because this is the only way to become mentally freer and to make full use of one’s own potential.

I want to share my journey with my audience and show them how the ability to say NO has helped me overcome profound professional and personal crises. How I finally managed to establish personal mental and emotional boundaries in a manner that today enables me to devote myself to the things that mean the most to me: my family and the vision that is my passion.

For this, it is essential to bundle one’s own time and energy in order to protect oneself – with a clear, friendly NO – from energy and time guzzlers. And thus to give oneself the space for what makes each individual shine.

Love, family, fulfilled relationships with friends and colleagues, success and cohesion in the team – it all sounds very simple. But one of the most important steps along the way is actually setting one’s own boundaries, the ability to say YES or NO. Success in all areas of life stands and falls with this. That is why I have become an expert in protective boundaries.

We would like to thank Niklas Jost for the detailed interview. Would you like to book Niklas Jost as a speaker for your event or coach for your company? Contact us: +41(0) 43 55 66



Niklas Jost

Expert for leadership training, author and co-author, life coach