Expert in Innovation, Management & Change

Anja Förster is a bestselling author, management consultant and founder of the Rebels at Work initiative.

Her work focuses on the rules of tomorrow’s economy. Saying goodbye to old guidebooks, familiar paths and well-trodden tracks. Her clients include leading national and international companies, associations and foundations. Her books can be found on bestseller lists and have been translated into many languages.

Whether management or customer event, kick-off, congress, event or conference – Anja Förster’s presentations motivate, blow through, move, clean up, question, inspire, challenge and recharge your batteries. Over the past 15 years, Anja Förster has given keynote speeches in German and English in more than 30 countries, inspiring people to change and think differently.

Anja Förster lecture topics:

  • Instigation to think differently
    This keynote lecture is for people who want to make a difference – in their world, in their company and with their customers. An anti-crustation manifesto and a pragmatic guide for a future-open mindset.
  • Don’t waste a crisis
    It is not crises and tensions that dictate the future agenda, but people who are willing to radically question old certainties and bring future issues of central importance into the debate: What’s coming? What will remain? What urgently needs to change? In a world that is changing radically, we need to think anew!
  • Leadership in the digital age
    The most important virtue of a sustainable organization is to encourage its own people to be more independent and to create the framework for this attitude to flourish. After all, those who sow a lack of independence will reap a rejection of responsibility.
  • Change needs constructive rebelliousness
    Companies, with their structures, responsibilities and rules, are fundamentally tailored to the accomplishment of routine tasks. That’s why change often happens too slowly and far too late. Change needs to be rethought – what this has to do with the Rebels at Work and what can be learned from an amazing experiment in autonomy, more in this inspiring impulse lecture.