Uve Samuels – the 5 Premium Speakers Questions

30. October 2023 – Mandy Weinand

Dr. Uve Samuels is a renowned speaker and expert in the fields of innovation, transformation, digitalisation and education.

In his role as founder and managing director of the Exponential Innovation Institute, he addresses the fundamental question of why German companies have difficulties implementing digitalisation and how this problem can be prevented. In his role as an entrepreneur, he is a pioneer for a new way of thinking and a driving force for change in our country. With his extensive experience gained from leading numerous transformation projects in large companies as well as supporting more than 100 start-ups, he has unique insights that he is happy to share in workshops and lectures.

Uve Samuels in interview:

2. What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?

Uve Samuels:

In my presentations, I explore various core topics. These include the comparison between exponential and incremental innovation, the examination of disruption as an opportunity, the pursuit of Next Level Thinking & Doing, the motivation to disrupt one’s own passion field, and the concept of Mindhacking to optimize our thinking processes.

Through my presentations, I provide thought-provoking insights and practical tips to inspire the audience to question their thinking patterns, be courageous, and discover innovative solutions.

2. Which audiance or which branch do you reach with your speech?

Uve Samuels:

Through my speeches, I reach a wide audience from various industries. I have already reached numerous companies of different types, including the 600 partner companies of the HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration. In addition to my involvement in around 100 transformation projects with large corporations, I have also supported around 100 startups.

My speeches are aimed at executives such as CEOs, board members, and supervisory board members. Additionally, I reach middle management, including subject matter experts, product managers, IT professionals, marketing, and sales representatives.

3. Are you a PREMIUM SPEAKER? Where do you get your insights from?

Uve Samuels:

I am considered a premium speaker due to consistently receiving positive feedback from my audience and participants. My goal in delivering speeches and workshops is to effect behavioral changes and motivate attendees to take action.

My extensive knowledge stems from my experiences and reports from Silicon Valley, China, as well as my practical involvement in approximately 100 transformation projects and 100 startups.

Additionally, I benefit from numerous workshops and receive feedback on my books. Through this process, I learn that many individuals are encouraged and empowered by my work to embark on their own journey and confidently navigate the future.

4. What will be in the future? Does «time» play an important role in your work?

Uve Samuels:

We are living in a time of the greatest transformation in the history of mankind – the fourth industrial revolution. In this context, time plays a crucial role. No one is waiting for us. Other nations already flipped the switch many years ago and have moved forward on the exponential path. To succeed, we too must change our mindset for the exponential age and learn the appropriate methods. It’s about recognizing the opportunities and actively moving forward to keep pace with and even exceed this transformation. Steadiness alone will not be enough in these rapidly evolving times. It requires a change in thinking and acting to successfully shape the future.

5. Tell us your life motto? What do you want to give your listeners to take with them?

Uve Samuels:

“Never waist a good crisis: If you don’t have a crisis, make one.”

Dr. Uve Samuels

Founder & CEO Exponential Innovation Institute - Exponential Pioneer