Christoph von Marschall – the “5 Premium Speakers Questions”

03. October 2024 – Mandy Weinand

Dr. Christoph von Marschall is a renowned German journalist, author and speaker with extensive expertise in international politics, transatlantic relations and US domestic and foreign policy. He works as a diplomatic correspondent for the ‘Tagesspiegel’ editorial team and was previously a correspondent in Washington, D.C., where he analysed the US political landscape at close quarters. His in-depth knowledge and many years of experience make him a sought-after expert, particularly on topics relating to the role of the USA in global politics and the transatlantic partnership.

As a speaker, Christoph von Marschall is characterised by his in-depth analysis and his ability to explain complex political issues in an understandable way. He sheds light on current global developments and their impact on Europe and the world. With a broad understanding of US politics and his journalistic experience, he offers valuable insights into international power relations and their dynamics.

Christoph von Marschall in an interview:

1. What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?

Christoph von Marschall:

  • The threats to security and prosperity in Germany caused by the decline of the rules-based world order – including encouragement as to why Germany’s decline is by no means inevitable
  • US politics (election 2024) and its consequences for Germany and Europe, depending on whether Kamala Harris or Donald Trump becomes president
  • Shifts in power in geopolitics and geoeconomics and their consequences for Germany
  • “Typically German errors” about the extent and limits of German influence in the world and the supposedly decisive factors for war and peace
  • Germany’s allegedly leading role in the EU (and in the world)? What changing federal governments regularly do wrong and how they could take on a leadership role in practice

2. Which audiance or which branch do you reach with your speech?

Christoph von Marschall:

  • Investment forums for financial service providers
  • Customer events from financial service providers, including insurance companies
  • Internationally active companies, their boards and customer events
  • International law firms, their partners and customer events
  • Business associations, employers’ associations, industry associations, e.g. metal industry or textile or printing presses
  • Wider public through my regular comments and analyzes in newspapers, TV and radio as well as appearances at adult education centers and political foundations

3. Are you a PREMIUM SPEAKER? Where do you get your insights from?

Christoph von Marschall:

I am known for my lively and vivid language, which enables me to convey even complex topics in a clear and understandable way. My rhetorical talent helps me to captivate my audience while openly addressing problems and conflicts of interest that are often impossible to avoid. I consciously change perspectives in order to illuminate an issue from different angles and arrive at a comprehensive analysis. The positive feedback I receive from my appearances and presentations confirms time and again that I reach people and make them think.

My expertise is based on a solid academic education and 35 years of professional experience as a journalist in various countries. The last twenty years have been particularly formative, the last ten of which I spent in the USA. There I was able to follow and analyse political and social developments on the ground.

4. What will be in the future? Does «time» play an important role in your work?

Christoph von Marschall:

The future brings change and innovation – but that doesn’t mean that past experiences are worthless. Time is crucial: in my daily work as a journalist and more generally in the reaction of politics and society to significant changes that are emerging. But consistency is also part of it: when assessing these processes and avoiding hasty – and often emotional – reactions.

5. Tell us your life motto? What do you want to give your listeners to take with them?

Christoph von Marschall:

“People’s ability to overcome challenges is almost unlimited. But you also have to walk the talk. The head is round to allow thoughts to change direction. Never waste a crisis.”

Dr. Christoph von Marschall

Expert on Geo-Politics & Geo-Economics, USA & Europe, Award-winning Journalist