#clearedtoland Crew – the “5-Premium Speakers Questions”
The crew of female pilots and aviation experts with over 18,000 hours of cumulative flight experience on various aircraft formed in 2017 and now has an impressive track record of keynotes, workshops, coaching and consulting for teams and companies from a wide range of industries. The #clearedtoland crew offers a wealth of knowledge from the corporate world and translates exciting and impactful aviation tools for use in professional and personal life. Founder of #clearedtoland and private pilot Rahel Kindermann Leuthard developed the #clearedtoland success principle and effectively linked it with numerous models from leadership/self-leadership, change management and coaching. The know-how imparted can be immediately implemented and applied in everyday life by the participants.
Since 2022, the #clearedtoland crew has specifically offered the topics True North Star Journey, Change Management, Mental Training/Trust and Highperfomance/Resilience, for which keynotes and workshops can be booked. Very exciting is also the format of the “Keynote Workshop” with a duration of one hour, which can be booked with the extraordinary crew for the True North Star Journey and contains numerous interactive elements in addition to the keynote.
What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?
True North Star Journey, developing a vision, a purpose, empowerment, leadership, change management, mental training/trust, high performance/resilience and the 8 key points of the #clearedtoland success principle.
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
National and international companies. All companies that want to empower and train their employees and develop their best potential.
In general, all individuals who want to develop professionally or personally and become “the best of themselves”.
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
We are a unique crew of female pilots and aviation experts with a strong business background and experience in management, consulting, coaching, communication, change and continuous improvement. We are trainers and speakers and provide immediately applicable practical tools from the cockpit based on Aviation Excellence.
What will be in the future? Does 'time' play an important role in your work?
One constant in life is constant change. “Never stop learning” is an important principle in the life of every pilot. With our #clearedtoland success principle, we always keep our eyes on the horizon, prepare ourselves with good planning even for extraordinary situations and maintain an agile mindset. We are always experiencing new situations in the cockpit, which we in turn incorporate into our lectures and trainings, and we also incorporate new insights and developments from our subject areas.
What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?
We especially like the quote from Mark Twain: “If you don’t know where you’re going, don’t be surprised if you end up somewhere else entirely.”
From our point of view, it is important to always have the “True North Star” and a good flight plan in mind, to keep the focus on the horizon and to always have a good plan B or C in mind.
"I am cleared to land – I can do this "