Daniela Landherr: The Expert for Leadership and Talent Management, dog trainer and table soccer player

28. April 2022 – Mandy Weinand

Daniela Landherr speaks eight languages fluently, has visited 1,589 cities in 40 countries, is a successful triathlete, dog trainer and table soccer player, and ran a photography business on the side.

Today’s top speaker and coach Daniela Landherr once said about herself: “I have always strived for efficiency and optimization, because I enjoy doing a lot of things. When I still lived in Lucerne and worked in Zurich, I often rode my bike over the Albis pass to work, which was a good basis for triathlon. I’ve been playing table soccer since I was 13.”

Daniela Landherr – Convinced advocate of innovation culture

She also has a down-to-earth explanation for her talent for languages: “The flair for languages is innate: My mother is half Croatian, half Italian, my father English – as a result, I was already speaking in five languages as a five-year-old. All that traveling meant that I was constantly learning new languages – Indonesian, for example. And some time ago, I decided to learn two more languages that not everyone knows: Russian and Arabic. This increases the chances that, in the event of a threatening situation abroad, I could successfully negotiate with the aggressors in their native language.”

One might think that a 24-hour day would hardly be enough for the expert in leadership and talent management. But she manages it gallantly and “always allows herself seven to eight hours of sleep a night.” That has to be enough, she says.

The long-serving talent manager at Google Europe is one of the staunchest advocates of the culture of innovation as it has long been practiced at Google.

She wants to promote a work culture in which change, development and personal growth are possible and is actively committed to investing in leaders, culture and talent. Daniela Landherr now has more than 13 years of experience in leadership, corporate culture, executive client management and people operations.

Employee engagement is changing: here’s what to do about it.

From experience, she knows that “employee engagement has changed.” She says it’s gone down and it’s costing companies a lot of money. “We’re talking about a “Great Resignation. “According to a Xing study, one in four people in German-speaking countries quit without having a new job. In the U.S., 40 percent of employees want to quit their job in the next year. Just imagine: These 40 percent are, after all, still in their jobs right now – and have long since switched off in their heads.” Whereas jobs used to be switched primarily for higher pay, 59 percent of switchers today are concerned with the type of management, closely followed by the argument of flexible working hours.

“In the next 15 years, studies show that half of employees will have to acquire new skills they didn’t have before,” says Daniela Landherr. 

“We need to become technology teens.”

In her presentations, she talks about the changes in the world of work and how companies can adapt to them: “Today, the first thing you should do is create employee experiences, and empower employees. After all, they are the ones who then do everything for the customer, the guest or the user. Thinking big is another tip I would give to companies. According to the principle: What do I have to do so that – let’s say – we’ll still be around in ten years? And we need to become technology teenagers. Teenagers have no fear of contact. Speaking of digitization: According to studies, employees – regardless of the industry – spend 25 percent of their working time looking for information. So information belongs digitized and shared – not for customers, but for employees.”

Daniela Landherr knows from experience how the future can work for employees and companies in the long term. Her personal passion for developing and empowering leaders distinguishes her presentations. She motivates and engages in such a way that her audience would like to get started right away with the “next steps”. Innovation 4.0..

Daniela Landherr

Expert on Talent-Engagement, Leadership & Psychological Safety