Dr. Oliver Schumann – The “5 Premium Speakers Questions”

28. October 2021 – Mandy Weinand

Dr. Oliver Schumann studied sports economics and is a trained sports psychologist. His speeches, lectures, moderations and workshops deal with scientific topics, which are presented in an interesting and animating way. With acumen, humor and, above all, substance. As a word creator, word finder, word designer and word acrobat, he skillfully juggles terms, anecdotes and knowledge. As a result, his messages are doubly and triply effective. We talked to Oliver Schumann about his lecture topics and questions about the future.

Interview with Dr. Oliver Schumann

1. What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?

Dr. Oliver Schumann:

Due to my work as a sportspsychologist my speeches focus on topics associated with the brain: Habits, mental strength, different and creative thinking for innovations, how do we «digest» communication in our brain and what role plays the brain in change processes, e. g. developing a health understanding for ourselves. Due to my work as a professor at the university of health and prevention my key topic is the question, how plans, ideas, strategies comes in performance and especially in the heads of these people how have to act and who have to implement the plans, ideas and strategies.

2. Which audiance or which branch do you reach with your speech?

Dr. Oliver Schumann:

I´m human and I speak to humans – so I speak to the audience in this way the audience is able to understand the topic: Independent if it is the leader board of an enterprise, employees of the company or the people how have to implement the ideas. I speak to people, how are interested in change processes and inspirations. In often cases it happens like this: The audience think in a new way or think different about the topic of a speech – independent from the branch of trade, independent from the hierarchy, independent from the age of the company.

3. Are you a PREMIUM SPEAKER? Where do you get your insights from?

Dr. Oliver Schumann:

Learning to speak is a consequence of speaking and this I´ve been doing since over 20 years now. It doesn´t matter if this is a small group in workshops or if there is sitting over 1000 people in a keynote speak. Extraordinary rhetoric is always a feedback and that it was different during the speech: New, interesting, understandable. The thought before was so interesting while listening, so it was even a better invitation to think about this after the speech. My source of inspiration is the interdisciplinary part: Due to my exam in sport economics I grew up in different disciplines and I´ve learned that solutions are often part of other solutions, e. g. bionics and as nature solves problems and what companies can learn from that.

What will be in the future? Does «time» play an important role in your work?

Dr. Oliver Schumann:

An interesting question: Is the future wide or long? If you are standing on a bridge and time is water – it is a better feeling for you, the water on one side of the bidge, that is flowing to you as lifetime towards you feeling better than feeling than the water on the other side of the bridge, that is floating from you? For sure everyone would like to have a look in the future – but the future is uncertain. BUT: We can talk about trends in the present to extrapolate them in the near future – the insights are pretty interesting.

Tell us your life motto? What do you want to give your listeners to take with them?

Dr. Oliver Schumann:

Trust in the process! Trust always means risk and vulnerability – if it doesn´t exist, trust isn´t necessary. The quotation to this: At the end everything is ok and if not, than it is not the end. And:

"The invitation to everybody into creativity – it´s the only thing which we cannot display about algorithms. "

Dr. Dr. Oliver Schumann

Expert Health, Leadership & Neurocommunication