Futurologist Aileen Moeck: “Nothing is set in stone – especially not the future.”

01. May 2023 – Katharina Schlangenotto

Aileen Moeck is a futurologist. She doesn’t have a crystal ball, but she does have an irrepressible enthusiasm for the future and for actively helping to shape a world worth living in.

Her mission: to inspire other people about what could be. Aileen Moeck advertises the future, so to speak. Because she firmly believes that people who are not afraid of the future will shape a better (future) world.

“I want to inspire people to actively shape the future. Innovation and visionary thinking should not be a privilege, and the idea of a possible future should not be developed in a one-sided way,” she writes on her website, who is also an advocate for education and calls herself a visionary.

There is innovative and transformational power in everyone

“I am convinced that every person can ignite innovative and transformational power within themselves and actively help shape this world. I help to discover and promote this,” she says, refuting any argument in favor of the person who lives in front of him or herself and is unwilling to change. From her point of view, every human being possesses this spark of curiosity and drive to become actively involved in the world.

Aileen Moeck leads people back to enthusiasm for the future, as she calls it.

So everyone was once enthusiastic about the future, without the fear and worries that shape our current worldview. Hardly anyone dares to make predictions anymore, for fear of possible negativity.

At the same time, we should take the exact opposite position and become active. The future begins in the head, says Aileen Moeck, which coincides with the idea that thoughts create the world.

For her, it’s not about “predicting one future or creating one vision. It’s about actively using the power of imagination, thinking in alternatives, and people discovering a mission future for themselves.”

The future is for everyone

Futurology, innovation, co-creation – for many minds, this is reserved for a privileged guild. Aileen Moeck sees it quite differently. She says clearly: “Innovation and visionary thinking must not be a privilege and the idea of a possible future must not be developed one-sidedly. That’s why it’s important to me to reach especially many people and actively bring proposals for new social and political frameworks into the world.” 

Everyone can be innovative, even if innovation takes place on a small scale. Everything starts with a first step; something bigger can come out of anything that starts. The problem, he said, is often that people don’t give themselves credit for this ability. She changes that by giving keynotes and getting involved in projects that take her message to the general public.

She is always concerned with developing courage, imagination and innovation. Because they are the basis for innovation.

Her keynotes immediately inspire you to get started, awaken your inner curiosity and get the flame of courage to ignite and grow.

Future muscle training for all

For Aileen Moeck, enthusiasm for the future and the inner ability to innovate are like a muscle that anyone can exercise.

In her presentation “Activating Future Muscles” she talks about systemic, visionary and critical thinking. “Shaping Future Jobs” is about new roles in the world of work and how they can be developed today. “Spreading Courage for the Future” encourages.

Courage, openness and curiosity through learning Future Skills. In her keynote “Launching a Future Mission”, she sets future anchors together and shows ways in which collaboration of the future can succeed.

Aileen Moeck is a native of Berlin Pankow, where she was born in 1990. She attributes her curiosity about the future and active participation to the time she was born into: a time in the midst of upheaval and the dawn of a new world, as she saw it.

Philosophical thinking and clear solutions

In life and as a keynote speaker, she combines philosophical thinking with clear solutions and practice, which she has gained at KMPG, Zalando, in innovation management and at the Copenhagen Futures Institute, among others. However, she says today that she learned the most on her own startup journey as an activist and entrepreneur.

For sure, Aileen Moeck’s journey is far from over.

The future always begins now – and has no end.

Let’s join Aileen Moeck and accept the challenge: There is innovative power and the necessary courage in each of us to actively shape the future.

Aileen Moeck

Expert for Innovation & Transformation, Futurologist