Jon-Christoph Berndt® – laughing master of provocation

29. March 2016 – Katharina Schlangenotto

Jon-Christoph Berndt carries a jar of Nutella while energetically climbing down the stairs from stage right into the audience. “Would you mind holding this for a second?” he asks a man sitting in the third row and hands him the jar of hazelnut spread. He then continues to speak about the power and attraction of brands. When he turns back to the man holding the jar he jokes: “Do you still have it or has your wife already taken it from you?” The man and the audience laugh out loudly. “You can open it now”, says Jon-Christoph Berndt®. “but do it slowly.”

The thrill of a brand

You most probably also know this soft and easy sound when opening a new jar of Nutella. Even bevore you have remove the golden protective cover underneath the white top, you know exactly what to be expected: the sweet smell of hazelnut, the beautifully dark cream inside the jar and then the inimitable taste of it. Mhm….yummy…uaahh… whatever comes to your mind or even out of your mouth in this moment– it is all part of the Nutella-story, the story that is saved in your memory.

Agenda Setting and Storytelling

Jon-Christoph Berndt® is among the best in his field. He knows how to consolidate his messages in a vivid way so that they won’t be forgotten. To stick to the example of Nutella: next time you open your new jar, you will most certainly remember him and this speach and the power of a brand.

Brand Behaviour and attention

Jon-Christoph Berndt® holds speeches in German and English and talks about Profiling, Strategic Positioning and Marketing, Brand and Human Branding, Brand Behavior, Employees as Brand Ambassadors Attention, Agenda Setting and Storytelling. Participants describe his speeches as rich in content, extremely exciting, interactive, humorous, spontaneous and quick-witted, integrative and with lasting effect. “JCB” as he calls himself, reaches the public with engaging and crystal clear messages. He likes to be close to his audience and quite often, fruitful discussions get started. JCB believes in the power of emotion. His guiding principle is this: excite and inspire! In other words: if you feel moved it is likely that you will move yourself.

What makes a brand lovable?

Coming back to the questions from the beginning. On a human basis it is probably quite simple to answer them. Why do we enjoy company from someone? Who is getting our real attention? Probably it is because because someone is open, friendly, authentic, sympathetic and communicates in a clear, respectful and honest way. This is exactly what people expect from a brand today.

Jon-Christoph Berndt® creates new impulses in his speeches. If you want to dive deeper into the matter, he also offers workshops and coaching sessions. If you want to have JCB, the master of provocation, on your stage, please contact us for further information at:

Jon Christoph Berndt

Positioning / Profiling / Performance Enhancing