Martin Schlott – The “5 Premium Speakers Questions”
Dr. Martin Schlott is chief physician for anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, sleep coach and also a sought-after media expert on the topic of sleep and energy.
Everyone knows how important sleep is for health and performance. We are more successful when we are well rested! Because then we are more concentrated, in a more positive mood, more self-confident, happier – and also more productive, because we make wiser decisions. The world is becoming more and more complex. At the same time, fewer and fewer people are able to switch off and get enough rest. Sleep expert Dr. Martin Schlott opens your eyes and shows that the best way to recover overnight is to sleep.
Interview with Dr. Martin Schlott
1. What are the core topics of your lectures?
So many people are tired, feel overwhelmed, can’t get out of bed in the morning and don’t know how to get through the day. My talks are about how we can be fully energised and in our best possible frame of mind every day, so that we can live our potential, our talents, our visions. With the right attitude and well-rested, we are more loving in our relationships and families, more confident, more efficient and productive in work processes and in sports, learn easier and better, live much healthier and have much more joy and energy in our lives.
It is a great concern of mine to show companies and executives how important proper regeneration and rest is. Releasing mental blockages and activating our resources make life easier for us. Instead of being a victim, we become the creators of our lives. Sleep and our mental attitudes play a prominent role in this. In a combination of medical knowledge and experience from many coaching sessions and change processes, I take my audience on a journey to more energy and joie de vivre.
2. Which audiance or which branch do you reach with your speech?
These are entrepreneurs and managers from all sectors, as well as athletes, clubs and associations, simply people who want to be successful and efficient in what moves them. People who are curious and open to change and who get excited about the world of sleep and new mental strategies. People who simply know that life is an alternation of tension and relaxation so that they can live to their full potential.
3. Are you a PREMIUM SPEAKER? Where do you get your insights from?
I have been in medicine for more than 25 years. First as a paramedic, later with medical studies and specialist training, and for 15 years as head physician for anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, I am very familiar with all topics related to sleeping, the organisation and leadership of large teams, staff motivation, self-management and performance in a high-performance field. In addition to medicine, I became involved early on with the possibilities of mental training to improve one’s own performance and trained mental coaches for over 10 years. I have summarised all this knowledge and experience from my coaching and training in my book “Erfolgsfaktor Schlaf”, published by Ariston Verlag.
4. What will be in the future? Does «time» play an important role in your work?
For the future, it will be important to be physically and mentally healthy, because that is the basis for mastering the challenges of an increasingly fast ticking performance society, digitalisation and the demands of the new generations. Both factors, time and continuity, certainly play a role here.
5. Tell us your life motto? What do you want to give your listeners to take with them?
„Sleep rocks!“