Ralph Hubacher is one of the leading experts in customer centricity, customer enthusiasm, and talent development.
For more than two decades, he has been exploring how companies can go beyond simply ensuring customer satisfaction to creating genuine excitement – a crucial difference that guarantees long-term success. As a trainer, consultant, and founder of brandHUB, he has guided numerous companies on their journey toward greater customer centricity and inspired over 3,500 people worldwide to think differently and turn bold visions into reality.
With a clear structure, measurable approaches, and a keen sense for people, he demonstrates how enthusiasm can be created systematically and how teams can unlock their full potential through targeted talent development. In this interview, Ralph Hubacher shares his insights, highlights the importance of customer orientation in an ever-changing world, and explains why companies should aim to deliver not just satisfactory but extraordinary customer experiences.
Ralph Hubacher in an interview:
1. What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?
‘We pride ourselves on bad service, disrespect, and unfriendliness’ – no company would ever put this in their mission statement. And yet, in reality, customers are often sidelined. Why does this happen? Because customer centricity is too often a slogan rather than a consistent practice.
Creating delighted customers isn’t a stroke of luck; it’s the outcome of a deliberate strategy.
A mix of courage, perspective changes, and disciplined execution transforms satisfaction into a real competitive edge. This speech combines proven techniques with real-world examples, making the steps to success both simple and achievable.
2. Which audiance or which branch do you reach with your speech?
Enthusiastic customers are more loyal, make purchases more frequently, and actively recommend the company to others. This fact applies across most industries.
3. Are you a PREMIUM SPEAKER? Where do you get your insights from?
I guess I was born with a knack for surprising customers. After starting out in the machinery industry, I found myself in luxury hospitality. Now, with over 25 years of experience in Sales & Marketing and as a entrepreneur, I’ve learned a lot along the way. A Master’s in Brand and Marketing Management adds a little extra theory to the mix.
4. What will be in the future? Does «time» play an important role in your work?
Customer centricity is not a sprint, but a joyful run.
In times of change, uncertainty, complexity, and artificial intelligence, customers often get forgotten. But without customers, products, services, and offerings are just unsold stock.
By the way, a great run requires about the same as creating delighted customers: A pinch of passion, the courage to take action, and a bit of stamina.
5. Tell us your life motto? What do you want to give your listeners to take with them?
“Rethink the possible.”