Thore D. Hansen enjoyed rare insights into the work of secret services and is considered an Internet pioneer. In his capacity as a consultant, he experienced the financial crisis in direct contact with it perpetrators.
What are the core subjects of your keynote speaches?
digitalization, financial markets, International Policy, democracy, globalization
Which audience or which branch do you reach with your speech?
Leaders of international corporations and non-governmental organizations looking for background, impulses and responses to the risks and challenges of modernity. Companies who want to understand the interactions of global trends in politics, economics and technology, and want to integrate them into their actions.
Why are you a Premium Speaker? Where do you get your insights from?
As an Internet pioneer, an analyst for international politics, a consultant to major European banks, with access to intelligence services and geopolitical decision-makers, I cover a range of experiences that help me to recognize reality in its complexity, to name things, to disillusion, to release the lies, including our self-deception. With the courage to see the world as it is, we can make the world of tomorrow, even in a time of instability, so much more successful.
What will be in the future? Does "time" play an important role in your work?
The coming years will result in an unprecedented implosion of existing political and socioeconomicregulatory frameworks. How the world will be in the midst of the 21stcentury is completely uncertain. Whoever wants to assert themselves in this must learn to live in chaos and adapt to constantly changing political and technological conditions.
What is your life motto? What would you like to give your listeners on the way?
In my life, I was always forced to adapt to new conditions. That was very helpful. We live in too many illusions and comfort zones. In times of global instability, however, it is even more risky to refuse reality. With my books and lectures, I would like to enlighten, but also motivate. The clearer we face the political, technological and socio-economic challenges, the easier we find solutions and strength to shape the future.