Gabriel Schandl is an inquisitive success scout, a passionate keynote speaker and committed business coach for companies of all sizes and from a wide variety of industries with 20 years of experience under his belt.
Managers and HR professionals endorse him as one of the top 100 social skills experts in Austria. His mission is to make businesses, teams and individuals even more successful. Schandl studied economics in Linz, Austria and Siena, Italy. A registered management consultant, he has helped build a team of trainers, achieving a turnover of over 20 million Euros in the last decade by providing professional advice and support to companies in the training and further education sector.
He can look back on several years of success in sales and incorporates this expertise in his practice-oriented presentations. Gabriel Schandl distils the best findings from business, practice and science to address the key question: “How do I, how does my team and business achieve peak performance?” Salzburg-born Schandl teaches social skills at his hometown’s Puch-Urstein University of Applied Sciences and counts travel and discovery among his passions.
Schandl is a recipient of the coveted Constantinus Award by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. In the United States, the National Speakers Association has awarded him – as one of few German-speaking representatives – the CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) title. His clients include prestigious medium-sized enterprises and international corporations. He inspires his audience in a humorous, stimulating and charming way to convey the practical knowledge of success, true to his motto “Love what you do!”
Between 2014 and 2016, Gabriel Schandl was a member of the board and chairman of the GSA (German Speakers Association) Austria. He made a name for himself as a book author with “Das Beste geben – Wege zum Leistungsglück” (Giving One’s Best – Pathways to Performance Happiness) published in 2014 and as an MP3 audio book in 2015. In 2016 he was awarded the international CMC Certified Management Consultant) title for exceptional achievements in business consultancy.