Edward McMullen – What comes after the election?

Edward McMullen was appointed Ambassador of the United States to Switzerland and Liechtenstein in November 2017.
Eyes on 2025 – Ambassador Edward McMullen (ret.) spoke today about the election of Donald Trump to become again US-President.
He founded and was the President of McMullen Public Affairs, a corporate advertising and public relations firm based in South Carolina. Ed also served as Chairman of his Family Investment Holding Company. His extensive experience with foundations and think tanks include The Heritage Foundation where he served during the Reagan Administration. He served as President Donald Trump’s campaign chairman in the South Carolina primary and went on to serve in a volunteer capacity on the President-elect’s transition. He volunteered on the U.S. and South Carolina Inaugurations.
Edward McMullen has served on the South Carolina Philharmonic Board of Directors, the South Carolina Preservation Trust, and numerous other community and philanthropic organizations. He was National Vice Chairman of the Hampden-Sydney College Alumni Board of Directors. The American Swiss Foundation selected him in 1995 to participate in its “Young Leaders” program. He has traveled throughout Switzerland since his youth.
McMullen holds a B.A. in Political Science from Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia. He and his wife Margaret Ann have two adult children, Thomas and Katherine.
Book Edward McMullen to speak at your event exclusively with The Premium Speakers Agency. Just call us.
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Markus Gürne für Vorträge bei PREMIUM SPEAKERS Redner-Agentur buchen.