Sacha Johann – the “5 Premium Speakers Questions”

02. May 2023 – Mandy Weinand

Sacha Johann is personality and team developer. He started his career in the financial industry and worked in the areas of relationship management, product management and most recently as head of marketing in private banking before taking his first step towards self-employment as an entrepreneur in 2002. As co-founder and partner of Premotion, an agency for communication consulting, he supports individuals, teams and companies in development and change processes.

As a keynote speaker, he deals with the individual and collective sense of purpose at work. Who are you and why are you here? How does the cooperation between the different generations in a company work? And how can a team realize its potential even better? Sacha Johann teaches how to lead a high performance team together on a human level at customized seminars and workshops. In his own podcast series Coaching Insights, he talks to interesting personalities about their journey and what they want to move. In our interview, we wanted to know from Sacha Johann what makes him a premium speaker and what he thinks about the future.

Sacha Johann in interview

1. What are the core subjects of your keynote speeches?

Sacha Johann:

  • Meaningfulness at work – individual and collective
  • Teams and organizations with a shared understanding of goals and values
  • Intergenerational cooperation

2. Which audiance or which branch do you reach with your speech?

Sacha Johann:

  • People who value personal and collective development, from all sectors and hierarchical levels.
  • Entrepreneurs and managers focusing on the issue of meaningfulness and shared purpose and values.
  • Leaders and organizations reflecting on intergenerational cooperation.

3. Why are you a PREMIUM SPEAKER? Where do you get your insights from?

Sacha Johann:

As an entrepreneur and previously as an employee and executive, I have always been deeply engaged with the topic of meaningfulness. For personal growth and collective strength, meaningfulness is critical. Nowadays, people not only want to see the WHAT in their work, but also the WHY. I have seen the positive effects of having meaningfulness, and the consequences of not knowing the WHY of what an individual or collective is doing, and of not having a shared understanding of goals and values. From these insights, the SINN formula was developed. It stands for “standing point”, “inner attitude”, “benefit” and “sustainability”. The SINN formula is a powerful tool for individuals and teams when it comes to reflecting on current situations or developing personal or collective purpose.

Creating a shared meaningfulness and values is also important when working across generations. Often, the differences between Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z are not as great as they are sometimes made out to be. But companies need to address the issue. Yannick Blättler (Generation Y) and I (Generation X) have addressed this issue. In keynotes and workshops, we show where valuable common ground already exists, how fear of contact can be reduced, and how long-term successful cooperation is possible in our joint project “Cooperation between Generations”.

In my keynotes, I share the experiences I have gained as an employee, manager and entrepreneur over the past 20 years, and I incorporate them into training and coaching sessions – with a practical approach and a focus on practicality.

4. What will be in the future? Does «time» play an important role in your work?

Sacha Johann:

Probably both. On the one hand, the preservation of proven methods and experiences, and on the other hand, the constant openness to new and fresh ideas. People who see meaning in what they do will find it easier to manage change, identify opportunities, and address critical success factors. Great things will happen not only today, but in the future, in organizations that put people first, connect generations, and ensure trust, respect, and appreciation.

5. Tell us your life motto? What do you want to give your listeners to take with them?

Sacha Johann:

“Become your best, not what others want you to be.”

Sacha Johann

Expert for communication, meaningfulness, leadership & team development