Sacha Johann accompanies development and change processes of individuals, teams and organizations.

He focuses on the question of meaning as a coach, team developer, expert for individual and collective meaningfulness at work, trainer and speaker. Because: Would you do something if it wasn’t meaningful?

Sacha Johann founded Premotion in 2002 after a career in the financial industry. The agency provides communication, event and training services to national and international companies. Since 2015, he has also worked with personalities and teams to help them develop and grow through his own label, Sacha Johann Life & Business Excellence. He brings his practical experience as an employee, manager and entrepreneur of more than 20 years to his keynotes, trainings and coachings.

Sacha Johann lecture topics

«Meaning is a fundamental human need. It is the driving force behind people, the glue that binds teams together, and the catalyst for turning bold visions into achievable goals.» Sacha Johann

Meaning is the powerful force that drives us as people, pulling us forward and holding us together. Without it, clarity, joy, and motivation are missing. This applies to individuals, but also to teams and organizations. For personal growth and collective strength, meaningfulness is essential.

Sacha Johann has always been driven by the question of meaningfulness.

As an entrepreneur, and before that as a working and leading professional, he has studied this very intensively. He knows the positive effects of meaningfulness. But he is also aware of the consequences when a person – or even a collective – does not see the WHY of his or her actions and there is a lack of a common understanding of goals and values.

The SINN formula
Today, people want to see not only the WHAT, but also the WHY of what they do. This is something we should be dealing with on a regular basis. But first, we need to be clear about what we value, what we want to achieve for ourselves, and what we want to achieve for others. And how we can make sure that we stay on the right track in the long run. So, when it comes to reflecting on the current situation or developing a personal or collective meaningfulness, how should individuals and teams proceed? The answers are provided by the SINN formula.

Teamwork – 8 steps to a common understanding of goals and values
Whether at work or at play, teamwork is essential. Successful teamwork requires shared goals and lived values. But how do you actually get to this point of a shared understanding of goals and values? How do you create a meaning for psychological security in teams and organizations? Sacha Johann shows in 8 steps how to create a collective in which every member of the team

  • knows and lives the meaningfulness that has been defined together.
  • experiences and passes on trust, respect and appreciation.
  • maintains a humane and honest approach.
  • communicates intensively.
  • is even more successful collectively.

«Great things will continue to happen for organizations and teams that put people first, connect generations, and ensure trust, respect, and appreciation.» Sacha Johann

Intergenerational cooperation
At present, there are four generations represented in the labor market: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and Generation Z. This diverse mix is both a challenge and a great opportunity. Working across generations requires a shared understanding of goals and values. It is through this understanding that common ground can be identified, fears of contact can be reduced, and successful collaboration can be ensured in the long term. Sacha Johann (Generation X) and Yannick Blättler (Generation Y) are experts in working with and understanding the different generations. In keynotes and workshops, they show how long-term successful cooperation is possible.

Generation X – Is this the end or is there more to come?
Generation X is in the midst of life. They have always been in the middle. Born between 1965 and 1980, they are the last analog and the first digital generation. They are sandwiched between the largely analog Baby Boomers and the digitalized Generations Y and Z. So Gen X’s know both sides, and so they automatically assume a mediating role. This makes them unique. They’re entering midlife. Time to stop and think. Time to reflect. Time to decide if things should continue as is or if change is urgent and meaningful.