
What actually makes successful companies successful? How successful entrepreneurship succeeds and what skills you need? Successful entrepreneurship means recognizing opportunities, shaping visions and celebrating success! But: Successful entrepreneurship is not an easy undertaking. It requires hard work, a strong mindset, commitment and perseverance. Many have this dream, but few live it. What does successful entrepreneurship require? What characterizes successful entrepreneurship? If hierarchical structures worked in the business world in earlier times, successful entrepreneurship and good leadership are found in circularly structured organizations. At the same time, business management has long since ceased to be a static process, but requires openness, a willingness to change and trust in people. An open error culture as a success factor – Have a clear vision: You have a goal that you are pursuing and a strategy to achieve it. Without a clear vision, it is difficult to convince others of your goals. Take the time to develop a clear vision. Be willing to take risks and be decisive. Learn from, mistakes. With an open and transparent error culture, you create authenticity and avoid repeating mistakes.

The “human” factor in the company: Running a company successfully is always personal, because every entrepreneurship is also a people’s business – regular employee meetings, conferences and an open exchange are the basis for a successful company. It is up to you as an entrepreneur to believe in your team, to allow closeness and to accompany and guide employees in their daily work. It is important to create freedom, to recognize potentials and to promote talents. Focus on optimizing human, but also operational processes in order to be able to guarantee efficient employee management. So to master successful entrepreneurship, you need to consider various aspects and function effectively as a leader. Learn more about successful entrepreneurship and how to succeed in varied, exciting and informative presentations – our speakers will support you.

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Suzanne Grieger-Langer

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Steve Wozniak

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Vivien Wulf

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Reinhard K. Sprenger

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Christian Jott Jenny

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Peter Bofinger

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