Stock Market

With the right specialist knowledge and a bit of luck, a good deal of money can be earned on the stock market. Yet, for this to happen, it is also necessary to delve deeper into the details and inter-relationships of the markets. Many of our keynote speakers are themselves keen and successful investors in some of the world’s largest stock markets. Over the course of many years, they have earned their reputations as business and financial experts and are brimming with specialist knowledge. Others, in roles such as moderator or stock exchange correspondent, are always very close to events on the stock market and never miss an important development. All our keynote speakers are highly competent at giving talks on terminology such as the Dax, shares, share prices and other related topics.

Popular speakers

Dr. Daniel Stelter

Macro Economist, Author, Expert on Economics & Finance

Dirk Müller

Mr. DAX - Financial Expert, Political Advisor & Bestseller Author

Florian Inhauser

Moderator, Anchorman, Journalist

Urs Gredig

Anchorman & Moderator

Lars Tvede

Serial Entrepreneur & Global Marketing Guru

Mads Faurholt-Jorgensen

Serial entrepreneur and best selling author

Dadvan Yousuf

Entrepreneur, Bitcoin- & Crypto Expert

Markus Gürne

Business journalist, TV presenter, Head of the ARD financial desk, Stock market Expert

Josef Braml

Expert on the USA, Geopolitics & Geo-Economics

Edgar Perez

Global Expert on Innovation, Artificial Intelligence & Disruptive Technologies

Reto Lipp

Economy Expert, Moderator

Prof. Alex Edmans

Expert Economy & Finance

All speakers

Josef Braml

Expert on the USA, Geopolitics & Geo-Economics

Prof. Alex Edmans

Expert Economy & Finance

Marc Faber

Expert in Finance & Economy. The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report!

Marcus Fahn

Presenter for events & communication expert

Patricia Falco Beccalli

Business Journalist, Investor & Entrepreneur, Author

Mads Faurholt-Jorgensen

Serial entrepreneur and best selling author

Marcel Fratzscher

Economist, Expert in Finance & Economy

Ellen Frauenknecht

Leading business journalist and anchorwoman for top European media groups

Urs Gredig

Anchorman & Moderator

Markus Gürne

Business journalist, TV presenter, Head of the ARD financial desk, Stock market Expert

Florian Inhauser

Moderator, Anchorman, Journalist

Julia Kleine

TV Presenter, Event Host, Podcaster, Sports Scientist

Dr. jur. Stefan M. Knoll

Entrepreneur. Military officer. Publicist. Artist.

Jens Korte

Mr. Wall-Street, USA-Expert & Journalist

Patrizia Laeri

Economist, Founder of ellexx - The Financial Platform for Women

Franca Lehfeldt

Moderator, Host & Journalist

Reto Lipp

Economy Expert, Moderator

Michael Meier

Ex-Bundesliga manager, Soccer expert, Management consultant

Dirk Müller

Mr. DAX - Financial Expert, Political Advisor & Bestseller Author